Today we went into Arandis & visited Pastor Tresford's church. I was overwhelmed with the amount of people that I knew there. I saw Jasme, Jennifer & Rebekka from the Kolin School as well as quite a few more. I also got a Nan hug... a Rebecca hug and a Gracia hug all from Team Zebra. I was greated by Michael Dunne my facebook friend and was immediately given an assignment from Boniface upon his hearing that we would be attending youth group in the evening. It was just to prepare group games. Of course Mike got the leading worship music assignment and I made sure to let Boni know that Nate also needed an assignment. He thought about it for a moment and asked him to give a 5 minute testimony on why learning and schooling is important... little did Boni know that this was right up our Social Studies teacher's alley.
After church Brenda invited us over for lunch. Cameron, Brenda's adopted son's younger brother, was telling us many stories about the Lion King and Stuart Little. I also had to operate on a ginormous sliver that he had in the palm of his hand. That little boy is definitely hardened to pain. I also learned another communication barrier. After I removed the sliver I used an anti-bacterial handiwipe to clean the wound. I told him to tell me if it stings and I would stop. I asked him several times and the little man said "no". I asked him one final time and he said "no, but it's burning." I felt so bad and explained to him that is what I meant by "does it sting". All in all, he was quite relieved to get the stick out of his hand (as he put it).
After Brenda's we went to the Banda's and hung out with Pearl & Clara (& Tresford for a bit). Clara shared all about her coming in second place in the regionals of the science fair and how she gets to go into the nationals in September. Her project could even get picked up by mining companies because she found a way to create sodium carbonate and can use it to clean uranium instead of having to import acid. We will see what the future holds in that regard. She is one smart little lady. Youth group was a lot of fun. We played "Do you love your neighbor" since there were lots of kids and the chairs were already set in a circle. Nate's talk on education was encouraging to the kids. Mike's guitar playing was great as usual and Steve Graham gave a great talk on how we know God's voice.
I was hoping to go into Kolin school tomorrow, but we have an extremely LONG drive and it looks like we won't get the opportunity. Our time table is too crunched and I keep thinking that it would be nice if we were scheduled out until the 31st like we thought that we were. And Elizabeth... I hear daily... sometimes multiple times how much Nate misses you. Thought that you might like to hear that. ;)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Do you love your neighbor??
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6:41 PM
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Jeepers!! You and Germaine are busier than ever!!! I am so glad that G is still keeping us so well-posted. Such delightful detail, too! Nathan, I had a phone message from your Mom yesterday directing me to the site (which I had not been able to check all day ~ Sundays can be crazy-busy, but fun!) and she said there were some wonderful pictures of YOU!!! They were so great to see! (thanks G!!)
Let Germaine know that I know for a FACT, that Lizzie misses you as much as you miss her!!! Knowing that a newly engaged couple is separated by so many miles makes me sad sometimes, but then I remember that the tie that binds your hearts is so strong ~ and stretchy?? LOL ~ and I realize that you will be together FOREVER in just a very short time. This 'little separation' has the hidden bonus of making your love for one another even stronger!!!
Nathan, I am so glad you found your way through your educational process ~ you know first-hand how to really decide what you want to do, put your mind to it, and follow through! Sharing the many values of education was a perfect thing for you to do! I know, for me anyway, the more I learn, the more I WANT to learn. I wish I had been there to hear your little talk as I'm sure it was filled with personal testimony!!
Well, I've rambled on long enough for one morning here, but I just wanted to say 'hey' and that we cannot wait to see you! "Keep on keeping on!" Stay well-rested with all that driving and sharing! You may need a month of sleep when you come home!
Hello from Harps and Angie, Will, Brent, Raydar, and Tom and me!!! Love you Mister!!! ~Kate
Aww Germaine, thanks. I do like hearing that. 6 more days Sweetheart!! I'm very glad that you are doing such meaningful things that seem tailor-made for you. I also like that you have time for rest, good food and savoring the sights. I so look forward to hearing about it in person. Keep up the good work :-)
Good Morning~!
Powerful thoughts and, praises from all directions~ I looked at the picture of you and, the people within the group as you lead the discussion for education. Over the years, I have watched you develop a strong and very personal relationship with education, in ways I had never expected. I must say, I am proud of your discovery and, many accomplishments. Can't wait to see you when finally arrive back home. luv ya~!
Hello to Nathan, Vern & Nancy, and E-beth! This is a post script to my earlier note . . .(and the best way to reach you all) . . .We will be in NY helping Brent move in and will miss the homecoming! As if anyone will be able to get between Lizzie and Natey to get a hug in ~ LOL!!! Anyway . . .you are all in charge of giving the Wilson family 'greetings' (in our usual Wilson family fashion!!!) to Nathan! If I remember correctly, Nathan, you will want meatballs wit your hugs, right?? Well, I mean, only if Tom has already turned them down . . .
Love and hugs to the aforementioned crew!!!! ~ Kate oxoboxo
Hi Kate & Wilson clan`!
Thanks~for the sidebar greetings` :) It's been so neat this year to share with you and, your wonderful family in everything "special" that has happened. What a Year~!! The best.
Have a safe road trip and, hurry back to NH. I'm not sure of any plans except, we all just want the rest of the team home safely, especially NATE.~(Sry guys)Our hugs to all, Vern
Nancy and Vern, E~beth, Harps and Angela,Tom and Raydar,and YOU, be-datey!!! Let's make plans for a new picnic in August! Y U M !!!
oops ~ and mea culpa from me to Nancy . . .sincerest thanks for the Sunday phone call!!! That's one handsome young man you have!!!! We have been looking forward to more pictures of him!
Have a great, sweaty, and hot day all!! I only say that as we've been given no choice!!! LOL
<3<3 Kate
It's great to hear that you are immersing your self into the education process over there !
germaine.. the last picture in this post kills me... delecia and raymond singing with his eyes closed :) omg i love it
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