until I started doing the dishes. This was said to me this afternoon as Jan & I were washing dishes at the soup kitchen. It is also one of my favorite quotes so far. The past couple of days have been 100% go, go, go. Monday we spent time at the soup kitchen in Vyf Rand. Kuana is the woman who runs the place. They started a couple years ago feeding 70 kids & now they feed approximately 400 children breakfast & lunch.
Tuesday we split the team in the morning, half stayed back on the plot to paint and the other half went back to the soup kitchen to dig holes for 32 poles. They are building a garden so that they can supply their own vegetables. Those who stayed back are repainting the big room across from the kitchen area (for those who have been here). Jan's got some painting skills!! When we arrived to help dig out the poles we discovered that they did not need us, so we helped to make sandwiches for breakfast & helped to set up the tables for the kids to sit at for lunch. Nate & I were also about to talk with Ruth, a woman from Texas who is in the peace corps. It was nice for her to be able to express her frustrations. She is only 6 months into her 2 year commitment and needs prayer when it comes to the realtionships that she has with those she is working with.In the afternoon half went to an informal bible study with Mike and half of us went back to the soup kitchen for the lunch crowd. This is where Jan & I washed dishes. During that time I was able to connect with Kuana and hear a bit more about her history. She also opened the door for me to ask questions about her relationship with Ruth (without making it seem like I had spoken to Ruth). Currently Vyf Rand has a population of approximately 5,000 people. Many children wander the streets all day long and do not attend school. Although outward appearances show that Vyf Rand is improving... I am still not sure that I can say it really is. I would love to expand with more details later, but right now I am off to the soup kitchen again this morning.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I didn't believe that there were 400 kids here...
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8:50 PM
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HELLO TEAM NAMIBIA! I am praying for you all and in the Word as are soooo many others. We know the prayer support that goes into a Mission Team - wonder about the scouts and peace corps? We know God goes with them all but we need to pray that they have prayer covering as well! I am so proud of all you traveling such a distance, and so consistently!, to bring Jesus to the people in Namibia. James 2:5 says "Listen, my dear borthers (and sisters) Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom He promised those who love Him?" Thank God for sending you over there to assure those precious children of their inheritance! My reading has been random this morning - I opened to 2Kings:6 and read things about Elisha I don't remember reading before but verse 16 I do remember: "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them" and the NT verse: greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world (1John 4:4) So may the presence of Jesus be a tangible thing for all of you today. May the Spirit fill you with to overflowing with joy, love, peace, patience, and self-control (a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Lk 6:38). Love you all and love the updates and videos of everyone! In His Love, grammy duncan
Ginger, I miss you! You must be flying! Hope you are well,(back, tired,tummy etc.) I hope you still have that energy going from Breakthrough! Can't wait to hear from ya. Talked with George once, plans are set with the kids, looking forward to seeing them and heading to the coast. George is going to plan to stay one night. We've moved 4 twin beds to the upstairs barn so 2 rooms are finsihed. This seems so trivial compared to what you are doing, but it's what I do..lol How's Grant? Cam and I are following the blogs, gives me good goosebumps reading everyones daily goings on there. Looks like you are getting a kid fix in the picture, you both look happy! Well, you are on my mind and in my prayers along with the team, see you soon, and have a great day, Love and hugs Pam ps. thank you G for all YOU do for us, we love you!
Hey Nate Honey! Sounds like your job is perfectly suited to you! I'm happy to know things are going so well...for all of you. The photos are wonderful. All is well here, we're enjoying the humid 90s.
I miss you sweetie!!! Thinking about you all the time. We'll be eating lots of pizza when you return...I will even let YOU pick the toppings! ;-) Huge hug to you my love. I MISS YOU!!!
Hey Court and Team Namibia! What great things you are doing in obedience to our Father! youthandunashamed of Carlyss, Louisiana is praying for you daily! Great to hear the divine appointments being set into place. What an encouragement to see the Love of our Father flowing through the simple man! Be strong in the Lord and trust in His Spirit. We are going to have a prayer time for you all in our Wednesday night Bible study this evening! Hold fast and keep the faith!
faithfully, yau!
Hi there! It's Wednesday,and I have been thinking of you so much! perhaps we are having the same weather? it is 90 degrees here and humid. I would imagine that you may not get the same thunderstorm that we are going to get later. Katie and Ryan painted rocks this a.m. and caught a toad and made a home for it in a bucket. too funny. Derek will be back up here tonight at 7pm. I have been reading all the posts and comments. you guys are all so busy doing so many wonderful things. It sounds like God is blessing you with what you need to "get it done". I am happy for this. Are you taking your Malaria meds? have you spent any money yet? Well, I am doing 8 million loads of VT, river, nasty laundry at Kathleen's and headed back to Heartbreak. I love you and will send you another quick not later when I come back to swap my wash. I love you so very much. I would give anything to hear your voice! take care my girl!
My Honey Maegan,
What an amazing place! Those kids are adorable. Glad you are mingling with the wild animals, but don't forget Squirrel!
Lots of love,
Steph L. and Jackie,
I read this everyday at work(don't tell my boss) and i figured it was about tim i left you a comment. You both look like you are having fun (Jackie I enjoyed that split jump you did in one of the videos)and Steph I miss talking to you all the time, i have much to tell you already!! I hope you guys keep enjoying yourself and doing a great thing over there!
Love, Leanna
PS. Hector says "Hi" and i think his claw is getting better!!
Hey Ginger,
Nice to see your picture. How is Grant doing? Doing well here except the HHH weather. Monday night I took the kids to Gordon and saw Jay's memorial. I took some pics then went to Woodmans. Picking up Grace Friday then camping with Jimmy and the gang. Say hi to Grant.
To Mom (Ginger)
I really miss you mom. I can't wait to see you again. I hope you are having lots of fun. I can't wait to see you again.
Love, Margaret
Hey my C-Ray..... Another day has come and gone. I can't wait to hear about your latest ventures with the children and your mission.... I started working on the floors again today - got within two boards of finishing my room; but needed some tools your dad has and he hasn't shown up yet... so it will probably have to wait until Friday; but at least we are moving again!! My goal is to get my room and the rest of the downstairs done before we go camping... just think of all the fun you will miss out on (and the potential pain and bruises!!) since you will be gone that entire time :) Blake takes his testing again tomorrow - Please continue to keep him in your prayers - he is not very happy with me.... Noah started talking up a storm today - he has a million words - we can just only figure out a handful of them!! But he is so cute trying :) Just got the girls in bed and I am going to go rock little man for a few minutes - wanted to check in with you first in case i fall asleep (i am putting them ALL in your room tonight - mommy is tired!) They all prayed for you tonight and the team - knowing God holds you all close and tight in his hands and his angels surround you
Love you bunches and bunches
Hi there !
Sounds like you are fitting in . . . doing lots of stuff !
You are looking great !
How did it go for you at the school ?
Love, Carey
(I do miss you)
GOOD MORNING TEAM NAMIBIA - wow Thursday already - I would guess time is flying as fast for you all as for us - though with everyone so far away it does drag a bit at the same time! Word for the day from this end: "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."
~ Romans 12:2, NLT Be transformed, precious children. We all know that God is so pleased with what you are accomplishing - remember, He knows the beginning from the end, even if you can't see fruit of your labor yet. Love and prayers to all, grammy duncan
MATT!! STEPH!! THIS IS URGENT NEWS!! i got my tattoo!!!!!!!! its still bleeding but thats okay. mike & christina came with me, and christina was going to hold my hand but i wouldnt let her because my hand was clammy. i also got tendonitis but thats beside the point. anyway, im pumped for you guys to see it! yayyyy!
Hi Nate~!
Sounds like the time is speeding by and, as always, there is never enough time to do all the things needed. The garden is an excellent project for supplying the kitchen's needs.
It's been hot and sticky here with sudden afternoon showers.
Everything under control here, so have a blast~!
Miss and luv u..
Thank-you for all of your work and journalism !
I'm still amazed by the number 400. Hope it wasn't only two people doing the dishes. That would take me like ALL day!
Ginger and Grant,
We looked at your pictures tonight. Looks like you are really enjoying the work with the children. Margaret had fun with Susan today. Burdick loved camp. Grace went to see Romeo and Juliet at Bard college last night. She really liked it.
We'll be camping until Sunday with the other widow and children. Possibly the Hillsborough balloon fest Saturday evening.
Take care and God bless.
Love G,B,M
P.S I'm getting a little taste of '05. I still am amazed at how you did it.
Hi Jan,
We love the picture of you painting. That's another one that's going on the refrigerator to remind us you on mission in Africa.
Love you family,
Scott, Jen, Timmy, and Amanda and of course the girls.
Some of us are writng on YOUR blog and not sure if you get to see that one . . .E filled us in on what you're doing and I'm thinking you'll have trouble leaving your new friends when you come back to Amherst. (remember that smuggling humans is a NO-NO!!) CAn't wait to see your pictures!! Please make sure you're IN some of them as we all miss SEEING YOU!!!
Lissa-beth is coming by tomorrow (Saturday) to hang out and have a 'grill session' with us. I wish she could bring the chickens! I want to meet them ~ NO, silly, not EAT them! Anyway, she has promised to tell us some stories and Tom and I are very excited about that! Don't worry, you won't have to blush!
I'm so glad your Mom is having a great time on her summer adventure! I'm also very happy she's near a po-cuter and can write to you now, as well! (hi Nancy!!)
Brent, Will, Ray, Tom, and Harps all say hello! Gray Kitty is sitting under the hot tub waiting for you. (bring mmmmm-ill-k) And Molly and Lily are doing their usual ~ greeting all who enter the Universe through, or near, THEIR portal!! LOL It's ALL about them, you know!
Ask me about the farm visit and backing my brand new car into the tractor when you come home! AAAARGH.
Have a wonderful day today, Mister. And smile, and feed, and hug! Don't forget to dance, too. The children will always remember the gifts you have and the gifts you've been given to share!
Peace,love and joy,
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