We usually break the team in easy after arrival, it's been sort of a tradition that started a couple years ago out of necessity. We stop in Windhoek (the capital) and stop for lunch... pizza that is, at the local mall. It gives the team a bit of a shock to see that there are many of the same amenities on the dark continent as in the States. Again this year we had a birthday to celebrate, so we made sure to get them to sing for the birthday boy. I know the pic quality is not that great but I am too short and was unable to get the right angle & had to pass the camera off. And by the way the title of the post is part of the "birthday song" they sing.
After lunch we trekked up to Okahandja, set up in the dorms and then went out to look at the stars. The milky way is amazing as always, the southern cross is magnificent and scorpio is beautiful and ginormous. I love that you can look up into the heavens and within moments spot shooting stars and even see the satellites. I could lay down and look up there for hours. After that we enjoyed some birthday cake that Joan made for Jesse... mmm... carrot cake. The rest of the team is sleeping now, some out by the fire & others inside the dorms. I suppose I should get to bed since I have to be up and out by 6:30am.
Tomorrow the teachers and I will be traveling to Katutura (the black area of the capital city) to teach teachers how to evaluate special needs children. I am so excited to see Castrow again (our Namibian team member from the 2002 trip) he is working at the school there. The dance team has assemblies at two schools one at 7:00am and again at 1:00pm. The rest of the team will be following along to the assemblies. In the evening we will have a braai for an Independence Day celebration. I haven't celebrated in the states for so long, that I forget how it's done. Doesn't everyone celebrate with Oryx steak & Kudu stew???
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Go Sexy, Go Sexy, Go!!!
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6:21 PM
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Hurray you're there! I'd go for the Kudu stew :-) Somebody give Nathan a kiss for me! (you can wait for him to shower if you want;-)
I didn't think we'd hear tonight as it's 12:49A (tomorrow!) in Namibia - I just journaled and wondered where you all were - knowing our God is a big big God and He knew! But also missing any contact. So, praise God for your arrival and prayse God for the time you will have in Namibia, the lives you will touch, your lives that will be changed, God bless you all with sweet, precious refreshing sleep and supernatural energy and joy tomorrow as His Work begins in earnest!
COURTNEY!!! love you bunches sweet girl, papa does too. Sleep well and we'll keep the prayer lines open. Love and HUGS grammy & papa
So glad to hear you made it! It must be amazing to sleep out under the Namibian sky. Matt & Stephanie, know that I will be singing Fievel's song to you as I go to sleep tonight, along with my prayers...somewhere out there, beneath the same bright stars, I'm thinking about you and loving you tonight...I hope you get some restful sleep tonight and have a great day tomorrow. What is Kudu Stew?
I think we are all glad to know you are there safe and sound and I think we will all sleep just a little better. Thanks for the fun post Germaine. Hope the dancing goes well tomorrow girls.
Wish we could see any stars - humid and thunderstorms yet again.
Mom (linda)
Hi Mandy,
PRAISE GOD, I am so happy to see an update on your safe arrival. Happy Birthday Jesse! Tell Jan that mom is retraining Greta for her while she is gone :O). I miss you so much honey and can't wait to hear from you. I have to look and see what time it is in Namibia right now, at home it is around 8:30pm on Thursday night. Auntie Betsy, Uncle Bill, and Tory say hello, I am going to send them a link so that they can follow along on your journey as well. I'm sure you will be shocked at when I tell you how much I miss you. Know that as always I love you without end.
Mommy from Mont Vernon
Still in Stone Harbor. Saw a movie tonight and as the Lord would have it the dialogue in the movie had a character listing cities and one of the cities was Dubai!
It jerked my thoughts right to you and Africa. It was an awesome thought and I could feel you across the world. Hope all is well and you all 'wowed' them the first day! I know you did.
After the movie we went to Springer's ice cream and were served by a Boston College sophmore.
Her name was Stephanie Sites. She said she loved her freshman year.
Prayers for you all and may our good and gracious God guide your spirits, energies and charisma to touch some lives. Work hard and laugh well!
Glad to hear everyone is safe and sound!
Erica M., Thursday night band practice isnt the same without you! I'm trying to hold your house together while Jimmy practices with the guys :) I sure am missing our special "lemonade"!
See you soon!
Sarah Clauss
Dear Patrice,
My day was as equally as busy as dad's day!!!!!! i got up really, really, really early to see the sunrise!!! then i went back to the house because I realized that i was completely alone. I cried into my pillow for some time afterwards. Miss you!
Your dearest brother Michael
hiii guys!
just wanted to say that i am glad you arrived safely, treasure every moment on that beautiful continent... enjoy yourselves and make sure you give your love to dieter and joan for me! :)
<3 Kat
PS - Does Mike still have a restraining order against the sun, or has six months in the Motherland given him some color? ;) teehee
Nate, we're all delighted to hear of your safe arrival. Sleep well~
Our prayers for you and, the group in the days ahead~
I didn't know you would be updating the blog before you've arrived! Glad to see you had a smooth trip.
Hi guys, Glad everyone made it to the final destination. Hope everyone is well. Matt & Steph, hope you are taking good care of one another. By the way Matt we got a letter telling us you won the CVS scholarship. Way to go baby!!! Relax and enjoy your trip!!! Love you more Moma xxxooo
augh!!! i left a comment and a prayer and it DISAPPEARED!!! phoo! i hate re-saying things because it always sounds so insincere the second time around! (to me anyway...) SO. i just said i MISS you, and i loved the comment about me being in your suitcase. :] i don't need to repost the prayer because God (THANKFULLY!!!) hears our prayers even when our internet connection is stinky! i am excited to see God's power this month! i hope you're getting good rest. heart you! now i'm off to bombard your phone. ;]
here's some advice for everyone sleeping at deiter's. watch out for bats (im telling you they live in the rafters), and also watch out for large dead african tree rats that show up on your floor at 4am. if you need to get up in the night, use your iPod as a light or you may step on the dead rat.
but anyway - it's good to hear the flights went well and you guys are finally in namibia! have a good time celebrating the 4th of july, be sure to have a club vark plek whenever possible. on a more serious note, matt & steph i miss you guys! no tragedies at home yet, which is a plus. i hope you guys are having an awesome time.. well how could you not be? go look at the southern cross for me.
That's my baby, but I don't know about someone else singing that song! Happy B-day Jesse.
How did Joan know Jesse like carrot cake!? I guess he's better off with his birthday celebration there. I don't believe in mixing vegetables and dessert. ;)
Hey Natey . . .should I do the "pillow thing" with E-beth? We would like to make her as comfortable as we did with you!!!! If anyone gives NT that kiss from Elizabeth, would you please add a few from all the Wilson's??? Anyway - sounds like the pizza party was fun and I hope you're taking lots of pictures of the activities!!! More later, Mister! love and hugs, Kate
So . . . how is it like being in . . . AFRICA ? ! ! !
I hope all of your luggage gets to you intact. Did you sleep outside for the first night ?
I have sent comments on the other postings and am now caught up. I hope that there is a way for them to be read to you and for you to write back.
Love, Carey
Hey everyone how are you?
I hope you are all having a great time!!!!
I so wish i could be there and share the expiriance. Stay safe and have FUN!!!
(tell grant this)
Grant, hey dude, how are you, i hope you and ur mom are having a great time. i mis you .
I hope u all r well
MIKE KNIGHT - you must carry on the 4th of july party tradition! i'm sure i've severely underestimated you and you've thought of all this already, planning a blowout bash. just know that i am there with you in spirit.
oh, and HI TOIVO!!!
Hi team especially TOIVO
We hope you are having fun wooo! we wish we were there! we request some cold drinks in windhoek as well as 4 ps bars and heaven cookies from casey. steph(ton) also wants one.
toivo, watch out for the geckos
we have been working on soccer moves for next time we see you. especially jaime, she is very active these days.
you can run, all day long. but you'll never catch mr. jones. HA HA HA HA.
Hi Bonnie - Love, Ton
Love, Jaime, Ton, and Amanda
A Red Sox update for you and all the Boston fans - Boston beat the Yankees 7-0 at NY. Yeah!
Mom & Dad
Hi Lippy and Stev! ew I can't believe I was just reminded of that mr. jones song. Not like we didn't hear it enough last year! Anyway Happy 4th of July to all my "cuties" (HAHAH just kidding). I hope the dancers had a nice performance early this morning and a nice night's sleep with NO RATS. I just got out of work and guess who showed up to eat... Memere. weird. Anyway, I saw a guy wearing a dumbass gifts t-shirt and thought you would appreciate it because you know I did! I'm off to Pat's beach house at some point this weekend.
Love, Christine
O.K. - you've had your first big day - dancers, I hope you danced for the Glory of God - even at 7AM! As I cleaned 2 lbs of shrimp for our 4th supper, I got to thinking about how weird shrimp is in looks...and we eat it? So how weird could things you first timers are going to be eating in Africa be? Funny - I thought about steaks from cows, frogs legs ugh! Then googled oryx and guess what - they look cow-like! And Kudu look like deer - maybe close enough to venison that they stew it but all reviews for kudu stew were good!
So, prayers continue for the team - your picture is on my background, in my bible, and on a world map at my desk -not that I'd forget to pray, but I do love having your faces and names in front of me when I do! Thanks Germaine for that picture.
O.K. I shall close - is it dark there at 8:03P.? Just wondering - and praying for all in the Northeast (like NH!) that perhaps the thunderstorms have abated finally. God bless everyone. Love you all...Grammy
Courtney - Miss you. Wish I was there. How is the journey so far? Remember you can change the world one person at a time. Love you.
C-RAY!!! Hey BABY!!! I miss you bunches. We are on our way up to camp.... we are taking the tent in case we can find a spot (like maybe deb and chris' backyard???) to put it up and crash; otherwise we will head home tonight and back EARLY in the morning for pancake breakfast and devotions :) Wish you were here but I am certain you are having even more exceitement there thatn we can imagine!! Did you sleep under the stars? I was looking at the weather for Namibia and wishing we had bought you a diff sleeping bag; praying yours is doing okay and getting you through!! Anyway, we are off - all the little ones say hi - Noah is here with me - he just made me paint his two big tonails - your dad says he will end up on a leather couch when he is older saying it was the nail polish and hair bows.... :)!!!!! Have a FABULOUS weekend just in case I don't get back on - Love you BUNCHES!!!
Hey there everyone!!! I'm so glad that you guys got there all right!you are definately in my family's prayers! Oh, and have fun with your 4th of july festivities... I MISS YOU ALREADY!!
btw...I love the updates on what's going on over there <3 <3
<3 <3 Love you always, Kayleen Dibble
Happy 4th of July to all!
Hello Grant and Ginger,
We are happy to read that you all have arrived safely. It is a beautiful day here in Washington,NH. One of the nicest days we have had in a while - clear skies. The Buffalo burgers are going on the grill as I type. Off to see "Evita" tonight.
We send many prayers and blessings your way. May this trip be a time of amazing growth for both of you.
God Bless!
David, Sheila, and Andrew Munson
C-RAY!!!! Mom didn't mention that the baby's toenails are RED, and he says it's "cool" and pointed to mine and said "cool" too. He is so tired right now, the family is off the hills and Papa and I will watch him a bit more, put him to bed, and eat our shrimp and rib 4th of July dinner. Happy 4th baby - we miss you and love you soooooo much. grammy and papa
Hey Patrice,
hope all is well in that place that is not the same place as where i am. mom and dad miss you so much they are thinking of adopting a new sister for me, isn't that great?
Love you,
p.s. mom's shrimp scampi is as delicious as ever, I've put some in a Tupperware contain and sent it to you vi UPS, but am not sure it will reach you in time to not give you food poisoning.
Patrice: How great to know that you and the rest of the "God Team" are safe and sound and doing God's work. You must be exhausted and confused as to which time zone and dateline you are in - Beijing's or Namibia's. I enjoyed reading the comments. Your brother misses you now that you are in Namibia - like, didn't he miss you when you were in China? And I enjoyed your Dad's brief narrative on the movie he saw, the immediate connection to Namibia - and quickly to the subject of "Ice Cream." I love that family (LOL). I added this link to out bulletin this week so others can follow along and also added a hyperlink to our Web Page. All of you are witnessing to the love and compassion of Our Lord. You are bringing the Gospel to life. As I reflect on your ministry of love, I can't help think that you are enfleshing Matthew 25: 35-46. All of you will be remembered in our Liturgies at St. Jude as you bring Christ to those you encounter. God Bless. And Thank You. Fr. Bob
Hi Jan,
We love the picture of you in Dubai. You look full of excitement and energy. I printed it out and put it on the refridgerator because it is such a reminder of the mission God has you on. We are excited for you - you're in AFRICA! We continue to think about you and pray for you. We can't wait to hear what God has for you there. You are an awsome woman of God. We are all fine here and we miss you. Jen's doctor's appointment went great, everything is OK. Greta is fine and missing you too. She's not distressed and seems to understand that you will be back - she just hit me with that wet nose. Let us know how we can pray for you.
Scott, Jen, Timmy, Amanda, and the girls.
Happy 4th to all!
Hope you're getting enough sleep babe, doesn't seem like it with the schedule you all are on. Worked as usual today, but since it's a holiday I think I'll be getting 38/hr for today, so it was definitely worth it. Going to go play some golf on Sunday, the only day I have off before I go to ABQ on the 14th. Have fun and make sure to take in all the culture you can. Loves
Fr. Bob,
lol? i wasn't sure that phrase has made it so far. i still remember the Sunday you shared with the congregation your experiences with 'bluetooth.'
still thinking of you TD (thats Patrice for whoever is wondering)
P.s. Fr. Bob: i had to explain what 'lol' means to mom and dad, they didn't get it.
Interesting 'birthday' song at that place !
Patrice: You'll have to lead us in the "Birthday Song" next time someone has a birthday in the parish. Looking forward to hearing about your experiences when you return. Michael appears to be holding steady ground and is behaving. Your dad is another story. God Bless, Fr. Bob
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