Friday, July 11, 2008

Darin's Diary pt. 4

Where has the time gone? I last wrote to you of Monday's activities for the part of the team in Arandis - and as I type this our Friday evening meal is being prepared by Pam and Erica (and it smells so good!). Let me try to catch you up.

First, I had a very strange experience on Monday night. It will require a bit of explanation, so I'll save it for a later post, but suffice to say it was a very moving moment in the trip for me. It involved rain. No. I'm not kidding. How's that for whetting your appetite?

Tuesday morning brought with it a number of opportunities for our team. Pam and Erica continued their work, as they are planned to do the entire week, with Hope's Promise Orphan Ministry's primary school Talitha Kumi. For those of you wondering what Talitha Kumi means, take a quick read of Mark 5:41. In the afternoons Pam and others have been working to get the schools 900 volume library into a useful state. The opportunities for them to get to know the children, parents and teachers has been phenomenal. The children run to them for hugs everywhere they are spotted in the community.
A handful of us joined Pastor Tresford, Fabiola and Pearl on the site of their new church building. They have leased the plot and raised N$15000 of the necessary N$25000 so far. It was very exciting to see what God is providing for this dear congregation and to imagine the impact this body will have on the surrounding community in the years to come.
Our school team (Richard, John, Toivo, Amanda, Patrice and Casey) began afterschool discussions with the 11th graders at Kolin Foundation Secondary School. The first day the students were split into groups - Amanda felt like hers went great, the others not so sure, but all looked forward to pressing on to better results in the coming days.

The afternoon dance classes saw the number of participants between the two classes swell to 110! The girls are doing a marvelous job.

Immediately after the dance classes, the bravest of souls agreed to join Pastor Tresford's Choir - complete with a list of songs in Afrikaans. Jackie, Steph, Patrice, Amanda, Casey, Bonnie, Kerry and Courtney all lent their voices and enthusiasm to the project. The choir will perform as a part of this weekend's big concert/recital. I stopped into rehearsal long enough to see that the lyrics may actually be the least of the difficulties for our singers. Movements while singing all those Afrikaans tongue-twisters should make this a hoot. John is also involved, playing bass guitar for the choir's accompanying band.

Wednesday offered me the opportunity to spend some quality time with the guys. Richard, Toivo, John and I spent the morning preparing for a special evening with the ladies on our team. This was the day we had agreed to prepare supper for the team. We had a thing or two up our sleeves. We decided on an all out appreciation dinner. The menu for our special braai included Chicken and Beef Sosaties; Oryx steak and baked potatoes. We topped things off with a candlelight table, a red rose for each of our twelve girls, and each of us serving them in bowties. Just an aside... finding bowties in Namibia was a little tricky.

There was rhyme and reason to it all. Here in Namibia, for the most part, men don't treat women very well. The four of us have covenanted to serve "our girls". We also wanted to bless them. We wanted to remind them that they are each unique, and that God meant them to be just that - each of them the apple of His eye (thus, the roses). Of course the night became a total success when John, in bowtie, strolled around them singing sweet nothings as they ate.

And still more rhyme and reason - each year we try to plan a little break in the action to bless the team and boost our morale. This was this year's attempt. Ask the girls if it worked. For the four of us... steak was amazing!

The ladies gave us a little surprise of their own. They decided to dress up and put on make-up and really go all out for us. We were encouraged that they played along with us all night long. What a great team we have here in Arandis! Here's a picture of three of us with some of the ladies that weren't camera shy. Toivo isn't in the picture either - something about he had to take off his bowtie and run to Windhoek to get a cold drink (memories for the 2007 team). There's some video footage of our special night coming too.

More later. And sooner than later.


Grammy said...

WONDERFUL to hear from you all - I think we think if we "bombard" the blogsite it will make you update more often LOL!! Not really - we all know and appreciate how busy you are and should be and we know God has everyone where they should be! I LOVE the bowties! What a precious evening you provided for the team - way to go guys! We love our girls whole bunches and appreciate your appreciating them. So now that we are mutually appreciative - I shall close, keep you all in prayer, and go back to the Leifde photo album which keeps popping in new pics on me. GOD BLESS EVERYONE ON TEAM NAMIBIA. In His Love, grammy duncan

Lisa Andreasen said...

Sounds like a great night. There are quite a few american men that could learn that lesson. I hope that every woman knows that she desrves to be loved and cherished. You are setting a great example.

I am blessed by the best husband a woman could ask for, and hope everyone could be so blessed.

Darin, I love the bow tie with the T-shirt! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi to everyone,
Sallie, it is great to see you all looking so amazing, especially those "bowtie guys". Maybe they would love an experience in the Nutcracker? I can't wait to see the videos. I am sure that all the children love being part of the dance, as they grow and learn with all of you. You are truely a blessed group! Mom and Dad Werst

Linda M said...

What lovely picture of you all! I hope you enjoyed the dinner -it was a very gracious idea. Love the bowties! Red roses in Namibia - who knew!
Kerry and Bonnie - bet you guys are tired after teaching 110 kids Bet you all are but it sounds great. I can't wait to see the video of the show and now the choir as well. Wish I could be there. It was nice to hear your voices if only for a few minutes this morning at the crack of dawn. It took me several hours to find a way to send the songs you needed but with a bit of help from Darin,it finally happened. The magic of the internet.
Bonnie - Erin did indeed call and tell me last night except that I was not home until 11:30. It also appears that you getting 3 credits for your AP Lit course in a letter from CU today. That's good news!
Well the day lilies are out and still a few roses so they look really pretty.
Have a great show!
Love from Mom

Anonymous said...

Aww, how cute. You guys outdid yourselves!

Hey Erica! I don't see you in the picture, but guess who loves you baby? I do!!! Ha! Can't wait to hear your stories! Take care.

Anonymous said...

Hi Girls,
Remember that night always and how you are all princess's in Christ eyes, and guys thank you for doing such a blessed thing for the girls.

My precious daughter, to see your smile has made my week. You look so beautiful honey, and I can't wait to see you. I'm so glad the guys didn't serve you worms. I know this next week will fly by and it will be hard for you all to leave, I will pray for you all and the emotions that come with "its not a good bye, but a see you soon".
Loving you without end,
Mommy in Mont Vernon

PS Darin were you dancing in the rain, singing in the rain?
I'm looking forward to hearing what happened. Blessings from my heart to yours.

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well...sounds like John has come out of his shell quite nicely. I must say, big bro, that I am very proud. I don't quite believe that you actually sang to the girls. You ladies must understand that you are indeed very special to have John sing "sweet nothings" to a bowtie...

And speaking of bowties, Uncle Darin, I have to say that grandma may think you look very much like her most famous show number in your bowtie & T-shirt. For the sake of those reading, I will only say that it starts with a C...I think you know what I'm talking about.

Once again, I'm glad to hear you are all doing well. John, you are missed and I need my movie buddy back soon. Be safe!

Love always, your favorite little sis

Anonymous said...

Hey Darin:

John in a bowtie... what other miracles can you work... water to wine, 5 fish to feed Namibia? I loved the picture of John with the little boy in the swing. Building relationships that last a lifetime is the backbone of dicipleship. I hope that little guy remembers John and thinks kindly of the Americans.


It sounds as though you are staying busy... ARe you getting any sleep... and are you losing weight, or have you adjusted to the food there? What is the strangest thing you've tried there?

See ya soon... Dad

T said...

Looks like you guys had a great dinner there! It was nice seeing a picture, almost forgot what you guys looked like. Progress on the book isn't going as well as I'd hoped. Progress, but it's slow as I actually have been busy. I'm still hoping to finish this weekend. But lastly, I'm sorry to hear you guys were summoned to sing. I may have to leave the speakers off for that video.

Hoping the singing isn't too rough,

germaine said...

ummm... Toivo... we are quite sad here in Okahandja that you did not stop in on your way to Windhoek... what's up with that? We used to be so close... what happened?? ;)

Love ~G

Anonymous said...

Casey! were you being Camera shy? Thats realy not like you. I'm sure you loved being all dressed up. Hope all is well. Laura was asking for you. She misses you. I miss both of you. Cant wait until you get home but knowing what you are doing over there makes it tolerable. Keep up the good work
Love Dad.

Anonymous said...

Steph is so pretty :)
And I miss her...come home now please?

Chris says "hi. i hope youre having a good time in africa...see you in august. I said more than hi! YES!!!"

Alexandria says with her eyes "im cute but can make a BIG mess" (thats chris' sister by the way. I'll show you pictures later.

Much love

Anonymous said...


Wow, you, Bonnie and Kerry with new African singing careers! Imagine that. Now, that must have been something to hear?

Hope all is well, especially in your stomach, as I have been reading much about sickness in the groups. Hope you have succesfully avoided that.

I love you and am proud of you. Father Bob is right, you are "enfleshing the gospel." Not many people do that. Many people talk about it but never put their feet to the pavement and do it(or in your case wings in the air!). You and the group are awesome for it.

Keep us informed about your arrival. So far, it apears to be midnight or so, on Friday night.

Mom & Dad

PS: Michael has been out shooting video at hockey games the last 3 days for pay, and has been stumbling in at 11PM and leaving again the next morning at 5AM(Boston). He apologizes that he has not been able to post anything for a few days. He is pooped. I am sure you have mised his wit and sarcasm (well maybe not). Maybe he gets in earler today and he can grace these keys once again.

Anonymous said...

John - Uncle Roy and I are sooo very proud of you and what you represent. This is truly a side of you that we have not witnessed before. And we're happy to see that your musical talents have not escaped you. And who would have thought Jenna would miss you! Miracles do happen. Stay well and safe. We'll see you back at home soon. Love you, Aunt Jacqueline

Anonymous said...


Man, I hope that the guys in your group do something for all of you !
That brings back memories of group events.

I hope that you feel encouraged and
being used by God . . .that you can see that now as well as later on when hearing of things after the trip is over.

I am happy for you to have had the opportunity to do this and that you took it on !


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the update.

I look forward to reading about what happened to you on Monday night that involved 'rain'.

Say, what are the chances of asking/having John serenade Jan for me at some point while you all are still in Namibia ? I will trust your 'judgement' :-) Maybe something about how she makes a difference/impact in my life ?
