(I was unable to access blogger last night, so this is about Friday)The title is part of the directions Mike gave me so that the teachers and I could find the Shalom Centre School. This is the school that my 2002 Namibian team member, Castrow, is working. The plan was for the teachers to go in and observe the class rooms in the morning and then do a workshop in the afternoon on identifying and teaching special needs kids. Mike asked me to go because I know Castrow and also know how to drive Namibian style. We had a 6am wake up call from Jesse & John standing in the common room playig & singing "The Star Spangled Banner". Since it was 6am & I was a bit tired, I was a little apprehensive as I read the directions (which of course were drawn ever so neatly with a nice map and landmarks). When I ever read the part about driving through the river I recalled Mike's Blog about his experience with visiting Castrow. I looked at him and said "I have to drive across a river in the jetta???". He assured me that we would be fine, but if I get stuck... back up, park & walk up the hill. Mike is always so, so very encouraging...
We drove through Katutura (on the first Friday of the month, which can be pretty scarey because people are roaming the steets and most are probably drunk). We stared down at that river pretty nervous to even think about crossing, but Dorothy scoped out the scene & said she thought we could make it... so we tried & plowed through with out a problem... cheering all the way. When we arrived Castrow was so excited to see me and had no idea that I was coming. In the morning we split up and each went into one of the four classrooms. I went into Castrow's room while Dorothy, Dennise & Janet went into the other three. It was amazing watching Castrow teach his class. He has really been gifted to teach and interact with these children. We swapped classrooms through the experience, and of course Castrow wanted me to play photographer so that he could document the visit in the school history.
In the afternoon we had been invited to lunch we were served antelope, noodles & tea. It was quite yummy and a great expeience for the first day on the field. After lunch the teachers had their work shop. In a lot of ways it was a brainstorming session talking about the observations learned in the classroom, teachers sharing experiences & discovering ways to work with the children that all learn so differently. The meeting had nothing to do with the Americans coming in and telling these teachers what to do or what they are doing is wrong. It was a meeting that informed us about culture, helped to grasp new ideas for teaching and motivating students and really encouraged the teachers that they are doing the right thing and kids will be kids. Each one is different, each one has their own learning style.
We left the meeting almost an hour later than we expected, but we were just so pumped about the day that we didn't think about much else. As we left the school yard we peered down at the river and it appeared less deep so we just plowed through as we had before. Half way up the big hill we stalled... and the car did not want to start again. So we prayed, the teachers came along, people tried to help out... still wouldn't start. Then by God's grace the car decided to start again & we headed out of Katutura before dark and as the streets were more and more filled with drunk people.
A couple things that struck me... I have been so cold this time around. Namibia is experiencing record cold temperatures. We woke up friday morning to 28F, that's -4C. That morning I went up and introduced myself to a little girl. When I shook her hand all I could think about was how much of an ice cube her hand was and I am sure still is at this very moment... I move forward thinking about Celia and the zinc shack that she lives in, the holes that must be all through the sides and the dirt floor she is probably sleeping on and realize that I need to just suck it up. We were also told that in Namibian culture just knowing how to write your name is considered being well educated. Parents sometimes take their kids out of school as soon as they learn how to write their name. These teachers need to overcome some culture and tradition and discover how to teach these children without the cultural influence of their parents.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Go up the hill, down the hill & drive through the river
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8:16 PM
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Wow G,
Thanks for sharing! Hi Castrow!
It sounds like the way Mike give direction sin the US, minus the driving through the riverbed part.
I guess I should go see if I can find your recording of the national anthem. Grandad called your mom and had it playing in the background. :) Blessings my love. MWA!
To the "Over the River Team":
Isn't if a gift, that no matter where children are in this world, how similar they are. I have found that to be true teaching in Manchester, NH, where besides the kids from NH families, we have children from all over the world. These refugees are here to give their children a safe, and better life, and often they are a joy to teach, because they appreciate their education. Our prayers are with you, for it sounds as if you are bringing more home from you experience than you left with. I am sure that the dialogue with the other teachers was more valuable than you realize!
Take care, Sallie's Mom
Germaine - thanks for the posting about your day with Dorothy, Dennise & Janet - I cannot imagine being where you all are now. I was a preschool assistant teacher for 4 years and I know how important it is - I love that you can share and learn and leave some ideas and love behind to encourage the teachers in Namibia! May God continue to guide your directions, your trips over the rivers, your words and your hearts as you help teachers teach most effectively. Special blessings to you all and sweet sleep. In His Love and by His Grace, Grammy Duncan
CO-CO!!! How are you my love???? I am just returning (11:30 p.m.) from the Vineyard where we have been since 5:00 p.m. YESTERDAY :) we "camped out" in girls camp last night.... Laura and Caroline took us into Italy and Austria (see, you aren't the only "well traveled" Diaz this week (LOL!!!) and I think Blake crashed in Ohio....Blessings to Kaitlyn for helping us out as everything ran late and I was crashing quickly - I was nervous about driving home :) Tonight I have been blessed with the energy to get back and even get on the site (which my addictive personality was going crazy about for the past 28 hours anyway!!) Xi-Rho last night was AMAZING.... I pray you all have been as blessed by it as I was last night - I am exciting to see you all work your way through the ranks and grow closer to Christ as you do.... I saw Caitlin Hines - she says she loves us and misses you.... Caroline, Laura, Lilly, Chris, Debbie, etc, etc etc all asked how you were and how your trip was and send their love.... Brooke and I rode horses this morning and then they got me up on high ropes - nauseated me with the swing and nearly tore me to pieces with the "tarzan" ropes (just to give you something to laugh about and visualize :) But all in all a blessed day and your presence was GREATLY missed by all.... HOWEVER, it appears you are busy doing the Lords work and I am so thankful you have this opportunity to do some growing on your own.... Girls - AWESOME video - thank you so much for blessing us back home with the glimps - LOVED IT!!! I pray this night is bringing you sweet rest and you are all restoring to full health and energy. Love and prayers to you all
Hi Jan,
I hope that you are warm enough over there ! It sounds like God is was already at work at Namibia's airport in customs, you sharing your testimony to a gathering, the video, and the trip to Castrow's school.
Pleae extend a hello to Mike Knight
and a thank-you to Germaine for her blog entry.
Press on !
Love, Carey
I would have loved to have heard the early morning rendition of the Star Spangled Banner, knowing that John is not a morning person. I guess the time difference could be working in his favor. We invited Chris to lunch after church. Jen returns home today after house sitting. Sandy made it through the thunderstorm in your shower. Praying constantly! So grateful for what God is doing! Love, John's Mom (Darin's sister)
Hey John... guess what happens when you hook both your amps up in stereo, turn them up to 10 and the STRAT up full.... WOW.. your window blew right out in the yard. JUST KIDDING. I hope you are taking it all in there, and can't wait to hear about all you saw and did while in Namibia. Build relationships with the people you meet as you always do.. that goes a long way to uniting people. It goes without saying how proud we are of you, glad you have the chance to travel with Darin and be around him... a very special guy in too many ways. Stay well... you know your Mom and I pray for you each day... and look forward to your return and to hear about your experiences. I am sure there will be some of your comedic moments as well. See ya in a couple of weeks. John's dad.
to Patrice,
well we are still in that place where your are not though today it is not sunny and is, in fact, cloudy and even rainy. we went to a place where there are lots of boards and people and rides, and we saw some crazy people being shot in a giant slingshot. it reminded me of you because i can remember a time when you were just as crazy as these people who had voluntarily placed themselves into the giant slingshot.
wish you were here to bully Dylan into riding some of the rides, and wish you were here to help with my fashion sense (i bought a new shirt. it is green.)
Hugs and kisses:
Went to worship this morning, and communion, and everything that was preached and sung, with hands lifted high to the Heavens, was for you guys - I even had the picture in my head and think I named each one you personally to the Throne of Grace. The blessings of the Holy Spirit filling our hearts, tying them together even tho' thousands of miles apart, are beyond comprehension. Know that each and every one of you is loved - by your family, friends, grammy, and our precious ABBA! Prayers continue for your missions, your protection, health, joy, and refreshing in Jesus' love.
COURTNEY! HELLO!! You family is gone again - should be home in a couple hours. They are going to walk around with Katie, Anne & Mick and Gram and Boompa as today is Katie's last day as counselor. Dad has Noah at Calvary so I got morning off. I am taking him after noon so Dad can work on house some more. Keep praying for him precious one - even as you pray forgiveness for the past. God is working a mighty work - look what He has done to and for you in the past 1 1/2 weeks!!!!!
Darin - special blessings to you as your lead this fearless and fun gang in God's mission field. May your strength build every day and may nothing take your focus off of Him Who has set you in that place, for such a time as this!
TEAM NAMIBIA!!! I am shouting and you should be able to hear me over there ('way back in high school it was predicted that my larynx would wear out - NOT SO FAR!! LOL) Love, prayers, health and blessings to each one you. In His Love, Grammy
I MISS YOU THIS MUCH l____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________l
Thats true love. I'm glad I dont have to go to work this week and look at your empty desk. It was depressing the last week. Hope you are having a blast and can't wait to get my present ;)
PS- Chris says "hi" (again with the talkative boys)
My lovely Casey Lauren,
It sounds like you are having some great adventures in Africa already =) I hope you are staying warm! (since we all know you thrive on heat and humidity..)I miss you lots and hope you are having a blast!! love youuu
CO-CO!!! Co-Co!!! were you here when mommy put my swimmies on the first time? I sort of gave them side-long glances as I proceeded to kick into the water - but I was floating! Now I can jump in and laugh and spit the water out and swim across the pool - cool huh?
Meemee just took me swimming even tho' it's only 86 out and the water is only 82 - not as warm as grammy likes it but I 1-2-3eeeeeee'd a lot as I jumped in by myself off the top step. I am growing up and I miss you a LOT!! Last night at dinner grammy said "oh, thank God he's eating something" and I put my hands out to pray because we forgot. So we prayed for you Co-Co. I love you!
P.S. I had pizza for lunch but when I say it grammy says it sounds like pepe (both e's are long sound! L0L) loves and kisses, Nana (or NoNoh)(translated Noah!)
G! Hope you're doing well, miss you and glad to hear that the car finally started! :)
Darin... please try and find out if anyone you know in Namibia has connections at the hospital for me. :)
And, whats the story with Toivo? Has he been staying in Arandis or with everyone at Dieter's? Haven't heard anything about our crazy Mr. Jones singer so fill me in on the deets!
Love to everyone!
xox Kat
Well, we thought of you all and prayed for you at church today. The message today at our church was about Independence Day. The Independence Day that fulfilled God's plan. Christ died for us so that we may be free from the slavery of sin. RO 6:14 For sin shall no be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace.
I think of the dancers over there dancing to celebrate their freedom in christ and what joy they must feel in their hearts.
Stephanie M. & Matt. we miss you hope you are adjusting and enjoying the opportunity you have. I shared the blog site with the Searles, the plunketts and the Fixes; hopefully you should receive some notes from Samantha & Sydney.
We look forward to the next update. Until then, go with God.
Driving Jetta through the river must be scary. Gotta get a Wrangler.
It is wonderful to be able to journey with all of you via High Tech. Praise The Lord for the good work you are doing. May God continue to pour out his grace on each of you as you answer His call. We remembered you at Mass this morning at St. Jude in Londonderry. Patrice: I will do my best to make certain Michael and your parents behave - but, you know what a task that may be for a simple parish priest. By the way, if your Mom thinks it is too risky to send you her special shrimp scampi - I'll make the difficult sacrifice and consume it rather than have it not reach its destination in edible form or have Michael force himself to eat it. May God Bless You all. Fr. Bob
Great to see an example of you living by faith, driving through the 'river'.
You are something ... endless with energy !
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