So for those of you who panicked when they didn't get a comment from their loved ones, just remember: They are probably a member of Team Leifde in Arandis! Here you go:
Hey everyone! I miss all of you so much! I have enjoyed all of your comments. We read them every night and I always look forward to hearing from you guys. The trip has been wonderful so far. I’ve met a lot of people and have already experienced many amazing things.
Grammy – Everyone enjoys hearing from the “Team Grammy” and they all want to meet you. I miss you and Papa a lot. I hope everything is well. Can’t wait to see you.
Mom – Things have been great, I’m glad camp was fun. I enjoy hearing from you and miss you. I can’t wait to see you. Did you get my phone in the mail? I love you! I miss all the kids, love you guys! Dad - I enjoyed hearing from you. I wish you were here too. I've experienced a lot of great things. Love you.
Love, Courtney (Co-Co)
Thank you to those of you who’ve been praying for us and watching the blog. We’ve met so many wonderful people and seen far too many things to fit into such a small space. We’re also seeing a few of those “internal miracles.” I can’t wait to share stories and pictures with you. I loaned my iPod to one of my new Namibian friends today, and he quickly found his favorites – Led Zeppelin, Chris Tomlin, Stevie Wonder, and Maroon 5. At one point, he also said “who is this Marc Naugler and his ‘Born To Me’ song?” I’m glad to hear things are going well at home and that Dad has been keeping himself busy playing guitar. Mom and Jenna – be sure to tell everyone else I said hello and I look forward to seeing them soon.
Hey everybody! I just wanted to let you all know how much I loved all of your comments for me on the blog. It makes the other side of the world feel a little more like home. Mom and Dad, I miss you guys so much!! Michael…. I cry myself to sleep at night without you too…. The filming comments are unnecessary though. I have to admit that the rest of the team really enjoys your sarcasm every night when we read the blogs. Say hi to everyone in Stone Harbor for me! I wish I could be there too! Tim, thanks so much for keeping up with me and bon, miss you! To Vitt, if you are reading this, HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!! Things here in Arandis are going well. It was a little rough for me at the beginning of the week due to a lost suitcase. But two days later it rolled into town. I can’t wait to hear back from you all, and Pat we found someone else who knows which way it is to the beach.
Mom, Dad, Erin, Dom, and anyone else who has been reading up…hiii!! It’s been so nice to hear the posts and I am starting to miss everyone a lot. I’ve been finding myself stumbling over words to describe my experiences here, but everything has been incredible. Dancing for the schools has been fun and seeing and relating with the kids has been better. They are so enthusiastic and loving and have amazing attitudes despite the conditions here. All the people we’ve encountered are friendly and warm and everybody loves singing and dancing. The sky here at night takes my breath away every time and is definitely one of my favorite parts of being here. In our down time we’ve been making lots of friendship bracelets with string and enjoying the sun. The spiders here have not been as bad as I thought they would be but they still are everywhere. Tonight we start teaching classes and I am so excited! How’s erin liking camp, still sane from all the kids? Thanks Dom for the Sox updates, I heard the Yankees just won so I bet you’re happy. I hope you got my email from Dubai. Love you all very much and thinking about you all the time!
Hey all! Thanks for all the posts, it means a lot! Namibia is such an amazing place. I feel so blessed that God has put me here. If you told me 15 years ago that I would be in Africa worshiping God, I would have said you were nuts. Jimmy, even though you aren't getting sappy like George, I really appreciate the shout outs and comments! Can't wait to share Africa with you next year! Nick, keep rockin! Mommy misses you. Joey, hope you are not playing too many video games. Emma, the kids in Africa are great, can't wait to tell you all about them. Sarah, thanks for the posts! Can't wait for our first Thursday night jam after Africa. So much to share. Christine, you rock! Thanks for helping Jimmy. Love and Blessings, Mom (McLovin)
Thanks for the comments mom, Amanda and Emily. Becky - hi (haha) We're doing great, see you soon!
Hi All! We're doing great! I absolutely love it as usual. I'm teaching Toivo the geetar! :) It's so great to be with all of my friends again. I love you all! <3Amanda
Kelsey, I think about you every day, and it's hard to be without you. I know you feel the same way and are dreading your time with Chris, longing that it was me you were with! Just kidding, but I do miss you, and maybe BAE a little, and I can't wait to hang out with you and see you every day again! I love the comments you've written, keep them coming! Chrissy, I am sorry that Jake is being a pain and Casey is too madly in love with me to hang out with you. I hope child sitting and ebay is keeping you busy.. wish you were here! Other than that, I'm doing pretty good.. Africa is amazing as usual. Toivo hasn't gotten me any cool drinks yet, I'm still waiting! Love, Steph
Hi Kevin, I want a hamburger from McDonalds! Also hi to Steph, Amanda, Christine, Molly & Jaime. Jaime I hope you are doing something active. Hi Kat, I'm doing great, my 6 pack got bigger. Miss you all! M.J. how are you?
Hi NH family! Hi to all. Glad to hear everyone is doing well. Thanks for the prayers. The team in Aranbndis is doing well and God is moving in a mighty way. Lisa, thanks for your prayers. Love to all I know and all I don't.
Love and miss you family, I'm praying for you guys. Hi Pat, Kelly, Cindy, Cathy T, Melissa. I love Namibia. I'm managing just fine in all areas. The kids at school are fun and cute. They like to play with my hair and give lots of hugs. I'm going to hate leaving them. The week is going by quickly. Miss you all!
Hey Shari, miss you more than you can possibly know. Meeting people, seeing sights and having experiences that would only be better if you were here. Lots to share when I get home. Love Nan's house. Hate her dog. Haven't managed to make my team hate me... yet. Thanks for letting me be here, see you soon. Love you more! Hi Amanda, Becky and Emily, Love you all. Thanks for helping mom as you have been. Emily, don't get used to my side of the bed.
Hope all is well. While Dennise is in Okahandja, I'm with the dancers and others in Arandis. I've seen many people from last year that I remember, which is so cool. Hey Dad, hopefully you have the whole house packed up. Ames I miss you so much. Laura stop doing homework. The rest of you guys, miss you and see you soon! <3Casey
Hey Everyone! So thanks for all the comments. Hearing my childhood nicknames for the entire team to hear is really awesome. Fresh monkey, mom? Really? Not necessary. And Dad, your knowledge of the teen lingo is simply amazing. Well, I'm getting pretty well taken care of between John Mayer singing John Mayer, Richard carrying me to my room when I'm already asleep on the couch, and Patrice being my mom as usual. T- it was great to hear from you and I'm glad you're enjoying the videos. You better be enjoying the book just as muhc. Anyways, tell Vitt I sat happy birthday and dont worry we're coming home pretty soon. Erin- hope you're having fun at camp and being the only child. Everything here is great except that I keep getting exhausted at 6 and can barely stay awake. Sooo I miss everyone a lot, and I especially miss going to Wendy's. Hope you're all having fun and keep leaving messages. Love you!
Hi everyone, Just thought I'd check in and tell you all is going well here in Africa. We have had non-stop days filled with music and dancing and kids! The children are precious and thirsty to learn anything and everything. I think I have shocked a few in telling them that yes, my hair is real, I did in fact grow up in the United States, and I know some African Dance (but not Karate). Hope everything is well at home. I can't believe a week has passed since we headed out from NH. Mom & Dad, you'll be glad to hear that me and a few other girls are helping paint a backdrop for the concert we will be a part of next weekend with the theme "Revive Us". There are plenty of beautiful sights to be inspired by here. The enthusias, and hope in people here is equally inspirational. I've gotten so many hugs in the past few days, I have some to spare! Miss you! XOXOXOOOOOX Love, Sallie
Enjoying my time here in Namibia! Glad to be back in Arandis & reconnecting with all of my friends! Christine, missing you lots & wishing you were here to see everyone again. Friends are asking about you! Time is flying by - one week has passed already! Can't wait to chat! Much love, Mom
Monday, July 7, 2008
Greetings from Arandis
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6:25 PM
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Hi Mandy,
Yeah, mommy heard your voice..., well kind of, I heard it in my head while I read your post. I'm so excited. I wish I was there with you too honey. Write more, I can't wait to see some pictures too.
I love you sweetie,
Mommy in Mont Vernon
Bonnie and Kerry,
It is very good to hear from you and that things are going well. Bonnie, I could come up with some other names but I will refrain. I can't speak for Dad however. So much info and it all sounds really exciting and interesting - wish I were there. When we go to Moosehillock, you will have to compare the night sky for us. I bet it is spectacular.
We had a really good day at Attitash. it was quite hot and we did all of the water slides and chairlifts. Then we got ice cream at that place we went last year and then went into North Conway. Thought of Casey and Dennise as we went into Zeb's country store and had dinner at the Muddy Moose.
I can't wait to see more pictures and videos of the dance stuff.
Lots of Love
Alright Bonnie, Kerry and possibly Patrice, i hear you've been askin about me so im finally writing one of these blog things.
Camp is good but right now im with kindergarteners and im about ready to pull my hair out. they're very clingy and one in paticular loves to hold my hand and climb on me. plus its sooooooo hot! finally to refresh everyone we just broke out the hose. altogether though they are really cute and much better than the older campers who think theyre to cool to do anything. i find myself washing my hands constantly though and just like you bonnie im exhausted by 6 which is around when i get home.
being the only child is surprisingly not very different from the regular school year since id be alone until bed time when bonnie would finally show up. haha just kidding. i know you guys must miss me SO much. lol cant wait to here the stories in 2 weeks. ill keep you updated.
Mike Knight has a couple of good pictures on his blog of the 4 tappers and one of Bonnie. We enjoyed seeing them. And also Steph with a bug.
Octavius the fish is the hungriest most alert fish I have ever seen. He watches everything. It's kind of weird.
HURRAY - I knew we'd hear from Arandis when you all had a chance. So good to read all the posts and to "hear" voices.
Courtney - I know you are growing and changing in ways we can only imagine. Keep listening to His voice, sweet girl. He has a very good sense of direction for our lives for sure!! How I wish I was there sharing the adventure with you and for Jesus! But I think I'm a much better prayer warrior than I would be a missionary in Africa - tho' I won't rule it out. I may need to make a "mission trek" to NH to meet this wonderful church - maybe I can hitch a ride up after the camping trip! :)
HEY TEAM ARANDIS!! shouting out to the heavens on behalf of all of you and being blessed in so many ways praying for you all - as I said before, I love you all. Prayers and blessings, grammy
HEY CO-CO!!!!!!!! So good to hear your beautiful "voice" :) YES, I got your phone... Did I mention that Noah chucked mine down the path at Horizons Friday night? It never came on again!! So no phone all weekend; but yesterday we hit Alltel and now we have three new phones. I am charging it and will ship it up to Shari so you have it for your flights home :) Noah left yet another puddle in the living room tonight.... I really need to get him housebroken!!! Or roast him on a rotisserie over the fire Weds night?!!! Love and prayers coming at you - every minute of every day :) Be strong and blessed
Love you
Hey Manda Panda,
Glad to hear that you are playing...
Let's see, Jesse gives you lessons, you teach Toivo, maybe he will pass it along to someone else. Keep the music, and even more, the praise going.
Glad to hear that the Namibian soil is getting into your blood.
Thanks for the shout out. You and Mike have pulled a swap and are getting to see everything in reverse. Can't wait to hear your thoughts and see what God continues to do in your life.
I'm glad to hear you are doing well! Although I am sorely missing singing around the campfire, worship at CCA was wonderful with Richard and Kirk sharing their gifts with us.
Although I'm sure both Shari and I would rather be in Namibia right now, I have been blessed to get to spend some quality bonding time with her. Also, as Shari said in another post, Becky was amazing when we went to visit the Cruz's. She's getting to be quite the young lady. Emily's hugs and smiles have been a big blessing too. Amanda is AWOL :)
I'm so glad you have this opportunity. I pray that the Lord blesses you greatly in this time! Miss you!
Keep and eye on Manda for me. :) Don't let her get into any trouble.
It's blazing hot here. I could use one of your concoctions. I hope you are enjoying the cool Namibian air. Thanks for facebooking. I appreciate the updates.
I'm so proud of you! Keep on dancing.
I hope this trip is the best yet for you, and that God does amazing things through you!
You are all in my prayers! (I hope I didn't forget anyone!) Blessings,
Hi Sallie,
It was soooooo good to hear from you, Mom was starting to get into her "worried Mommy" mode, even though you are all grown up. It's so exciting to hear about all the "energy" that is surrounding your team, and the people of Namibia you are with. What a wonderful, sharing experience for all of you. Love, XOXOXOXOXO
Mom, Dad, Ben, Phoebe, Bandit,Smokey
hi toivo! its so good to hear from you and know that you're doing well.. and apparently your six pack has gotten larger. incase you were wondering - yes, i still have my lip ice. its officially one year old! i was watching the video the other day of you recording yourself on your MP3 player making fun of me ("toivo... your lip ice..") good times!!
Hi Dancers!!!!! I have been following along imagining you guys dancing your hearts out and loving it!! Brings back amazing memories of 05'!! I hope you are loving every second of your time there. Breath, live, love and sleep when you get home!!! Be safe, looking forward to hearing more when you get home!!
Sandi D :)
Moning Melissa:
6:00 a.m. and you have been gone for a week -- I am sure it is flying by for you. You are all doing wonderful things there and have been chosen for just what God needs done at this moment. Awesome!
Hope you are warm and well - prayers always - we love you, Nini
Hello John,
Glad you are soaking up some culture and ruining the natives with your "devil music" - except for that Marc Naugler guy and his "Born to Me" songs.
I jest...
Seriously though, it took me a while to figure out how to read the title of the blog. It concerned me at first as I thought it was something like "got eamna mibia". I thought it might be a medical blog or some crazy thing. I gotiteventually. (see, it's hard ain't it?)
I did send the CD off. It'll be here when you get back. I also got the new John Mayer CD/DVD. Freakin' rocks! Gotta see it.
Finally, I am praying that you return safely, everyone on the team that is, but I am praying also that God uses you to do great things and that your life is enriched in the process. I know it will be.
Be blessed, my friend.
-Marc Naugler
Hey John:
Zeppelin is transcending all cultural barriers..WOW.. I/m going in right now to play Stairway (the parts I know) in honor of the new fan. Neat to see videos of the group, the Namibian children and their land. Can Katie get a shot of you ad your music friends and post it? It goes without saying, but I will anyway.. miss you and look forward to hearing all about your adventure. This house is way too quiet without your presence. We needed Jenna to figure out how to play CD's so that it almost sounded like usual here.
See you soon.. Stay Well.. John's Dad
HEY COURTNEY! Just saw a posting from Pastor Frank to you. and I have a SHOUT-OUT from Laura Murphy in Manning who said to tell you she is praying for you and anxiously awaits my update phone calls as she has no computer! And the youth in Sulphur, LA were excited to get your information - and I sent another update today and again suggested they look at this blog. I figure if I can blog, if I can find Mike Knights blog site (which is not called mikeknight but Africa something) by searching for CCA and going places on line I have never gone before....anybody can! I even tried facebook but was not registered and since I know nothing about it I skipped it for this. I am going to go crazy over the weekend - papa and I are going to Manning Sat-Mon (he worked 4th of July so this is his "holiday") and I will have to go Earlines and borrow her husband's computer because 3 days without "hearing" from and about the team - can't do it!! But the plus side is, SC is where I do major retreat-devotion-prayer time so maybe it'll be o.k. LOL Went to youtube and watched your dance on Kinetic - I think the one you did in Africa please God more, even without the floor work! Hope all you dancers are having a ball teaching and performing and sharing Jesus! May blessings pour out on all of you even as you bless all those to whom you minister in Arandis. Love and miss you bunches - HUGHUGHUGHUG-just wait til you get home - I will probably squeeze the stuffing out of you, and I will probably cry too! Grammy
Glad to hear that you are doing great. I'm not surprised that you have already had significant influences on the musical selections of the people. But I do have to ask: did the 'Marcus Naugler' conversation go as you had forseen in your email?? Can't wait to hear more when you get home. Be safe, have fun, & please don't almost miss your flight again.
OMG! Love your favoritest sister, like, ever!
John - thanks for the update. I so love to hear from you. I forwarded your comment to Marc & Tanya. I'm sure he will want to know more details (involving spider monkeys and how glorious the moment was). Chris is excited about having dinner Wed or Thur with a song writer that opened for Edwin McCain at House of Blues who is apparently looking for a drummer and guitarist.
Katie - thanks for taking pictures and video. You are truly a young lady of many, many talents. It is such a blessing to be able to have glimpse of what is happening so far away to those we love!
Erica - I know you've got to be missing your family but I am confident you will never be the same for this amazing act of service for God.
Darin - speaking of amazing acts of service, thanks for all you are doing and have done to make this all happen. God truly has His hand in all you are all about! Still praying for you all!
Hi Courtney!! It has been a great day! I was supposed to have my first swim meet today but they canceled it b/c of weather....Now it is pouring down rain and thundering and lightening. Love you! See you in a few weeks. Bye!! Love Brooke
Hi Courtney! I miss you very very very very much. I hope that I can see you very soon. I miss you so much....See you in a few weeks! Today I didn't get to swim in my meet, but I had a good time when I was doing warmups - then it started thurdering so I had to get out and didn't even do my first event....Love you Court! I will e-mail you tomorrow. Love Kaylie
Hi, love,
I'm glad you're loving Namibia and enjoying the kids. Thanks for keeping us up-to-date!
There was a little old lady, who every morning. stepped onto her front porch, raised her arms to the sky, and shouted: "PRAISE THE LORD!"
One day an atheist moved into the house next door. He became irritated at the little old lady. Every morning he'd step onto his front porch after her and yell: "THERE IS NO LORD!"
Time passed with the two of them carrying on this way every day.
One morning, in the middle of winter, the little old lady stepped onto her front porch and shouted: "PRAISE THE LORD! Please Lord, I have no food and I am starving, provide for me, oh Lord!"
The next morning she stepped out onto her porch and there were two huge bags of groceries sitting there.
The atheist neighbor jumped out of the hedges and shouted: "THERE IS NO LORD; I BOUGHT THOSE GROCERIES!!"
The little old lady threw her arms into the air and shouted: "PRAISE THE LORD! HE HAS PROVIDED ME WITH GROCERIES AND MADE THE DEVIL PAY FOR THEM!"
Love ya,
So great to hear from you, hope you continue to have that enormous smile on your face i know all too well (and miss!) Glad to hear about your growing six pack, always a bonus... plus i think i need you to fly over here and rescue me, super toivo.! :) whenever i get bummed out i watch the video we made of you singing your lip ice song with the coughing, remember from the fire you amanda and i slept next to at Dieter's? :)
Glad to hear that everyone else is doing well! Love to you all.
xx Kat
We are back at work now and we have left Stone Harbor behind; just like Michael left his poster prints of Abbey Road and Pink Floyd (from the Boardwalk!)behind! We will have to call Cheryl.
Keep streaming those videos in, they are cool.
Bonnie has some cool nicknames huh, TD; huh Tweety Bird; huh Patweety; or, how about Sandbox Betty! OK that's enough!
How has the interaction with the the African youngsters gone? Made some fast friends I hope. Please take lots of pictures. We need to have some long dinners for these stories (Olive Garden!).
Make sure you are still taking the malaria pills!
The prescription for glasses was too old and they will need to set you up for an appointment before they can write a new 'script for new glasses.
Mom & Dad
PS. Michael is at a movie. Surprised? He has also been doing some specialty still photo work with HDR and he got great shots at Stone Harbor beach sunrise/sunset. A process where he takes 3 shots; 1 regular, 1 under exposed and 1 over exposed; then a blending program on the Web takes over and the clarity and brilliance are amazing!
hi guys!!!! this is mike!!!! toivo im doing well and mathew i hope your doing well too as well as steph.... molly christina and i are singing mmbob and i got a tattoo and im bored... i start clinical time on monday and i miss you guys sooooo much... how has life been there? christina is coloring random pictures of cookie monster and roodolf here are some pictures if i can add them to this post...... well a span of about 30 seconds has gone by and i cant do it this way so im going to post a link of where you can see these two pictures and here is a picture of my tattoo ok well i gotta go outside with molly ... so ill talk to all of you later!!! i love you all especialy matt steph and toivo.... and everyone else! LOVE!!!!!
Hi Jan,
I was hoping to hear from you again. I know it is not always possible. It sounds like everyone is having a good experience in Namibia.
W/ love,
Looks like you have been doing a lot of coordinating there.
I appreciate the work you are doing.
Hey John,
Holding some music appreciation courses on the fly. Gotta love that! Would expect your learning new dance moves from them?
Reading some of the details gives new meaning to the expression of being "a world away". There's comfort in having a Father who inhabits eternity and is everywhere present. Stay peaceful and loving, drink water, and eat your vegetables.
Hey Jackie!!!! We are thinking of you here at the BVI. Hope that you are having a great time. I have made it my duty to track all of the fattie milkie drinks while you are away. Cant wait to show you my list. Muah, xoxo Jill and the gang.
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