Hi Everyone,
Arrived here safely. The flight wasn’t so bad. We got right to work on Friday morning at a preschool in Vyf Rand. We had a great jam session with the teachers in the afternoon. Many issues are not so different from US teacher issues. We grilled for the 4th and had fun at the fire. My mattress and Casey’s both deflated so we improvised. Yesterday we worked in the resource room and hope to prep for our workshop with teacher’s tomorrow. Today we finished up the resource room and had gone to church in the morning.Maegan our other teammate is arriving tomorrow. Can’t wait for her to join us. Doug don’t work too hard this week!!!!
Love Dennise
George –
“ Weather is here… I know you are beautiful – today, tomorrow and always! I miss you so much is hurts. Give the children a HUGE hug and kiss for me. I miss them more than they can know. All my love… Ginger
I love you Carey Bear, My family, Scott, Jen, Tim, and Amanda… I have so much to say but I am missing you all so! BIG HUG for Greta!!! Love Jan
Mom & dad I love you to the moon & back. I look at the stars & know you are seeing the same sky. Kevin rock on in Amsterdam. Steph H. my flashy purple toe polish reminds me of you. Christina patches has been excellent company. Thanks for holding down the fort molly. Thompsons, you are my 2nd family I miss you all too! Hannah & Naomi, coffee date when I return. Love you all –Stephanie Messer
Hello All! Things here are beautiful, lots to see and do. You wouldn’t believe the sky here at night. Miss you all bunches and bunches. Hugs to David, scratches for Bear and don’t forget to tickle Susan and Andrew for me while I’m away. Love you all. Janet
Greetings to all!!! All is well. Spent a wonderful day on Friday in Katutura with a pre-school that had 60 students – all excitied about learning the oldest group consisted of children ranging in age from 7 to 17 – Imagining!!!- and they were all attentive and contributing to the lesson!!!! …What dedication on the part of students and teachers!!! Weather is a bit cooler than last year. Love to all - Dorothy
Hi Molly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss you a lot but I am having an amazing time here. I get your note a lot more now. Having lots of fun and meeting lots of awesome kids. Drinkin FANTA. I’m fillin my suitcase full of it. Mom n Dad I love you much. I can’t find time to even realize that I’m actually in Africa, but I am loving it. and Toivo says lots a good things molly. I’ll go into detail when I return. Thanks to all who are thinking and praying for us. It’s working. – Love MATT
Hi Mom & Derk & Ryan. Africa is amazing, I have already learnt so much I also made two really great friends. Ryan, HAPPY [late] BIRTDAY and I will explain Donnie Darko and the scary pictures when I get home. :] Mom & Derk I miss you a lot and cant wait to come home and see you. Being here has been such a great experience and I am so happy I came. Thank you so much for all the comments…we read them around the campfire during debriefing…the other night I had atleast 5 comments in a row. Well I am off to hang out with Matt & Steph. I go to the pre-school and orphanage tomorrow. LOVE YOU.(tell all my friends I said hi and I miss them send a myspace comment to them mom.) thanks. –Melissa.
Dude cam you have to come next year. This is the most amazing place on earth.
Dad I miss you a lot can’t wait to hear from you.
“Pineapple Fanta” That is all.
From Jesse: Hey my lovely wife, wish you were here, but things are going well our first few days so far, MWA! My love and greetings go out to my mom and dad and bros, and my other mom and dad. To everyone else, be blessed and keep following the blog and keep us in your prayers that God would show us how best to share Jesus with the kids we’ll be interacting with daily throughout this coming week. Tot seans (a form of goodbye).
From Nate: Elizabeth! Hi Hi Hi. I miss you so much! I’m feeling better, and eating better too. I hope you are feeling well, and having a good time with the monsters. I love you so much! Mom and Dad, Hey… love you guys too, take care of my cat! Casey, Meow!
Kat – The “motherland” has done me well. They tell me I’m darker, but then laugh and say it didn’t take much. ~mike
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Shout Outs From Okahandja
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6:47 PM
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Steph M
Im so glad Patches is keeping you company!! I miss you, Matt... and Patches! I hope the sandals we picked out before you left are working. The other day it down poured and i wished you were here to dance in it with me hah :) Though i bet your having a lot more fun where you are!!
My heart rejoices to hear from you Stephanie! I am so glad everyone is doing well. For the record Stephanie, your brother is going to England,Wales & Ireland, not Amsterdam. He leaves next Sunday. I left another message today on yesterday's entry so I hope you get it. We love you and god bless the whole team. Love MOm & Dad
Hey Nate~Your Mom just called and, asked about you. They have no internet where they are camping now, just outside of Mt Rushmore, in the Motor Home. Shortly, they plan to travel around the bad-land, etc.
Said to give you her love~ They all talk about you and your work there.
Casey says Meow back to you..He getting weird at times (from missing you)..lol
Missing you like totally "bunches".
Take care..luv ya from all of us..
Dad & Casey..
ahh im so glad to hear shoutouts! matt im happy it makes more sense - i knew it would. i've been in the cape since friday (its sunday) and ill be home tomorrow. not that you guys are affected by that, but its a good thing to know.
hi toivo! write me a comment!! or facebook me.
much love
ps i met amy wino
Hey Nate, I found out what was on Casey's mind..Hope you see his photo he wanted you to have~ lol
luv ya
I love you so much. Thank you! You make me feel important. We all miss you and Grant. The Catskills were beautiful and fun. The children and I all jumped off a cliff into the river today. Not the same without you but we know you are doing great things. All the family sends their love and prayers.
I love you always,
So good to hear the shout-outs coming this way! As you all sleep and stay warm, we continue to pray and praise God for all He is doing in Namibia through you! I just found the Team Hoop slide show - wonderful pictures, precious children....God is good!
"My heart is steadfast, O God; I will sing and make music with all my soul....I will praise You, O Lord, among the nations; I will sing of You among the peoples (of Namibia!). For great is Your love, higher than the heavens, your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Be exalted, O God, above the heaves, and let Your glory be over all the earth. (PS. 108:1, 3-5) Love and prayers, grammy duncan
Hey John: Had lunch with Chris after church today. Last week Scott did the Q&A and addressed the topic, "can you lose your salvation?" He laid out the case with scripture and came to the YES conclusion. Chris was beside himself with emotion and disagreement. Your Mom was also troubled by it but took the time to listen again to the online sermon. I was at PAT (which I failed ... AGAIN..) and listened as well on line. We researched it and came to the different conclusion, which is no surprise. It was good to listen to him today... he's OK. We redid Jenna's bathroom (your Mom tore it up while I was at work and I got to help put it back together) and surprised her. Life with the Griswalds... but not the same without your presence. Great to see you in the videos... noticed you gave a wave and a screech... made your mom chuckle. How do you eat your grubs? Fried or boiled? Not in my lifetime.... Stay well. John's Dad.
To Grant and Mom,
Yo Grant! I hope your having a fun time. What new stuff have you been doing? I can't wait to see you. I really, really miss you. I love you,
Hi Mom I hope you are having a good time. I can't wait to see you again. I jumped off a waterfall into the water today. Hope you are having lots of fun.
I love you,
Hey Patrice
Hope all is well and can't wait to learn what a "Stephanus-do" is. Fit for a queen I suppose. You will have to tell me what your queenly duties were.
Sounds like you were right where you wanted to be, with the children! They apparently keep calling you.
Will be leaving Stone Harbor tomorrow but will be blogging on the road. Dylan says "Hi"
Love Mom & Dad
Dude, Today was so Fun. I jumped off a 10ft cliff. I can't wait till you come back.
from Burdick
I missed you at the farmhouse. I picked lots of bluberries but didn't eat too many. I slipped off the 10ft waterfall cliff, landed in the water and didn't get hurt.
Love Burdick
Hi Jan,
It was so great to hear from you. We saw the video and you giving your testimony. You looked great. We love you and miss you and we are very proud of you. Interesting about the worms, I thought you didn't like meat. On a more serious note, Jen wanted me to let you know about her father. He had brain aneurysm Saturday night. He's been unconscious since and it doesn't look good. The doctors say there is nothing more they can do and it's only a matter of hours. I'm sorry to bring this news to you, but we are doing OK. Jen is in Maine now with her Dad. Timmy and Amanda, and I are hanging together in Merrimack. We are processing what's happening and know that God is in control. Continue your great work in Namibia and we look forward to having you back and hearing about your God sightings.
Love Scott, Jen, Timmy, and Amanda.
P.S. Greta has been getting many hugs.
Sweetheart. Wow, I am still amped from your note, thank you and I love you. God has bestowed me with an unusual patience since you have been gone. Thank you for your prayers. The children are doing very well and we are enjoying our time together, although I can hardly replace such a wonderful mother as you, and they let me know.
The farmhouse was as beautiful as ever. Koby enjoyed chasing the rabbits and chickens and he and CJ had a great time together. The fireworks were incredible this year. A mix of NH and Tennessee boomers, lots of crowd pleasers. Grace decided to stay for the week. Portia and I decided to be casual and let her come home when she wants to. The boys had a blast swimming and riding bikes. Zur is really looking forward to Grant coming out later. Quin and Jan took us out to dinner and icecream in Athens, many late nights and all very tired. Burdick has been up several nights crying with ear trouble. Fried onion, tylenol and lots of love and patience has gotten us through.
Burdy is off to camp tomorrow...I talked him into trying the first day and go from there, we'll see.
We saw your pictures tonight. It was so exciting for the three of us. Looks like a beautiful but desolate area.
Time to go. I am so proud of you and Grant for the courage to do this. I pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you, God's angels will protect you, and the peace and strength of God and his love be with you.
I saw you in the video. Burdick, Margaret and I all laughed seeing you tackle that person in the sleeping bag. Your such a crack up.
I brought my fishing gear to the Catskills but the water was very low. We'll try next time.
You are greatly missed.
Grant- The Lord Your God is with You wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
Love you, Dad
Ha! I think (not 100% sure) that was my daughter Katie in the sleeping bag! I was wondering who was tackling her. Now I know! Love you Katie and Darin!
Courtney my love where are you?? No shout out from Okahandja.... didn't catch you in the new Team Hoop pics... I am praying you are not among the ill.... I finally have everyone settled in for the night (we started at 6:30 - it is now 10:30!!) The girls were exhausted when we got back from camp... as usual - but once again, so hard to leave!! Chris and Deb send their love - Chris has a black eye - compliments of BATTLEBALL!! Gus wanted a hug from Kaylie yesterday and she said no - he asked her why? She said "I have another man on my mind right now" (are you howling???) When Chris got hit in the face with the ball she went out to comfort him (if he didn't shed a tear i would be AMAZED!!) Anyway, she came back in with a piece of paper with all his contact #s and information - she is going to be a TRIP as she grows!!! I think Noah was happy to have me home, though he is a little like Kaylie in that he is also a little irked that I left him in the first place!! I was reading 1Co 13 yesterday and as I have been journaling on it and thinking about "love" and all that love is, I have realized that even more important is all that love "does" - and here you all are BEING love - the active love that love really is!! I love it :) And I love you all. Can't wait to hear you or catch a glimpse in a photo - I am missing you bunches...."And now these three remain; faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is LOVE"
God Bless
Hi Jan,
It was great to hear from you ! I thank whomever arranged for that to happen.
Soooooo, was that a 'live' chocolate-covered worm you ate ? I cannot imagine that you would even try ! ! ! Did you know what you were eating ? Were you able to 'keep it down' ? I had better stop at the questions ! :-)
It sounds like you are enjoying the adventure. I look forward to hearing the stories, especially where you saw God at work !
Love, Carey
Momma M, Yankees won 2 games against the sox, and Nadal beat Federer to win Wimbeldon Final (Venus beat Serena in the Final)
Kids are hanging in, we met the garden lady and the rest of her family today
We went to Haven's, Nick loved the fireworks, and then Randy's for a bit, Nick was the entertainment, people were cheering him on, playing with his teeth, stage dive, etc, sparklers and those snaps, poor nick can't through it hard enough
Hope to hear from you soon
Hi Team,
Ican see God at work with the dance team after looking at the video and reading Germaine's account of the teachers/school visit !
That is great to know !
Hi Jesse,
If you are on the "sleep when you get home" plan... we're probably on the same schedule! I hope you are feeling better. I love you.
Hey Nathan my sweet! I'm relieved you're feeling better. Staying warm I hope. Campfires and dancing children!? I'm jealous! I miss you too! And love you very much. I'm doing fine, the monsters are trying to cope with the 90F temps all this week. I think they're melting :-)
Stay well,
Good Morning Nate~
I just learned from E-BETH & Katie ! that, you were one of the sickies..I am praying for your speedy recovery~I can't help thinking (out loud/past tense)we had talked abt you taking the pills with you..Just a father thinking..lol
I'm praying for your speedy recovery and no relapse~!!We're missing you alot~even Casey and the Jeep..:)
lov ya~!
Hi Matt R.!
Mom & I wanted to check in and let you know we think about you all the time. It's so quiet without you and Steph and Molly and Christina and Barack and Michelle! Luv to all - we are so proud of all the great things you are doing! Safe return for all.
Greg, Ethan and I had to have some prime time without you. If you get the change to try some Africa prime time. We say DO IT! <3
Christina and I thought of you 8 times today...
ps. Enjoy thier stars and never be afraid to cry
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