Wow! What an adventure we have been having. After over the river, it has been a whirlwind. Reorganizing and cleaning up Joan’s resource and supply room was the next thing on our agenda. Members of Team Zebra had started it and we helped to complete it. We emptied out the suitcases we brought and filled boxes with clothing, supplies and books we had brought. We continued to plan for our preschool workshop with Joan’s teachers on Monday and went to bed Sunday night tired, exhausted and satisfied that we had nearly completed that huge undertaking. The look on Joan’s face when she saw the room said it all!
Monday morning we were up bright and early for our trip to Windhoek to visit one of only two government special needs schools in the country. The Dagbreek School is located in the center of Windhoek. Principal Paul Duplessis, born and raised in Namibia, a dedicated educator for many years runs the school. There are 85 students who either commute or live at the school depending on where they live throughout the country. The students are generally between the ages of 8 to 18. When they reach the age of majority, they finish the school program and either, return home to supportive families or leave to survive on their own. When they leave the school, they receive a small disability income to help them. It is the hope of the school that they have learned enough skills to manage a job to sustain them. It is not always a positive outcome.
We found the teachers to be caring and were always keeping their children first and foremost. These children have severe disabilities like Downs Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy and confinement to wheel chairs and other walking and mental impairments. We were amazed at the school grounds and what they offered their students. They had a trampoline and a pool and other occupational therapy tools, a huge area to garden, grazing sheep and a huge woodpile, where students bag wood to sell for a small profit. They make jams, jellies, and chutneys from the various fruits and vegetables they grow and then sell in their store.
They have a domestic classroom where they cook, bake, learn sewing and knitting. These skills will be useful to them later on in life.
In comparison, many of our schools in the US, due to budget cuts, no longer offer domestic classes and practical skills classes that benefit our students as well.
Janet, a Life Skills teacher, who is with us, was amazed at what the school offered their students and wanted to bring these opportunities back home to our students. The students also experience a daily music movement class that they really enjoy. Something we also observed was that the teachers had daily break together and have built in weekly time to plan for their school lessons, something US teachers don’t always get to experience.
In talking with the principal, he shared with us the countless hours he spends at the school, (he and his wife live there at the hostel) and how he manages to supplement his supplies from the business communities who are willing to donate items for the school. They have even started a supplementary fund to help pay for things like hospital/medical care for students who cannot afford to pay, clothing, toiletry items and other basic necessities that the government does not pay for. Most schools end at 12 or 12:30 depending on ages. We are also planning on attending the other special needs school later on.
Other trip endeavors have included a workshop with Joan’s preschool, where we shared some creative ideas on using recycled materials for teaching concepts and sharing school supplies and materials that can be used in their classrooms.
The looks on the faces of the teachers said it all, someone said this is like Christmas, it could not have been any better. Sharing is so important in the lives of teachers.
We did return to the Dagbreek school, spending time with the principal who could not be any more welcoming, to take the time out of his busy day to spend with us. We understood fully, as our own principal spends his life at school and never seems to have enough time in his day for everything that needs to be done.
We then visited the other special needs school and pretty much heard about the same issues plaguing most schools. Specialists like speech-language pathologists and physical therapists are in such high demand even in American schools, and so important to our special needs population and there is a real shortage and turnover in those fields so many children do not get the therapy they need for improvement.
All in all, we American teachers discovered that it does not matter where we are, what continent we are on, that teachers have heart, are caring, loving and give of their time and energy to support their students. We will do whatever it takes to meet their needs, adapt and do what is needed, even like one of the teachers said, “It makes my day when even one of my students can count to 5.” What a blessing God gives to us in caring for our students. Our hats off to our friends, our colleagues here in Namibia!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
From Team Hoop
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6:33 PM
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Very heartwarming ladies! What a great service you are providing. Such a special feeling that comes with that. I just love reading about what you are doing.
Linda Margolin
Wow ladies - what an awesome time you've had so far. What a work of God to share ideas, heart, and love of children around the world! May God bless you with continued visits and His vision for the schools there and for what you can bring home for schools here! Blessings and prayers always! grammy duncan
It is good to hear from the teachers. I am very hapy to hear things are going well. Janet, I miss you and can't wait to see you.
Kerr-Bears & Bonita,
It certainly sounds like your days are full. I'll bet it's nice to get back to your "home" spot at the end of the day to have dinner and unlax. A good time to talk about everything you experienced during the day.
We're having a 90 degree heatwave right now, so it's actually nice to be able to go to work for the A/C. Erin's got a sleepover at camp so we went out for chicken salads at the 99 and then we'll watch a flick after checking out Soyouthinkyoucandance?
The Sox just swept 3 from the red hot Twins, including an 18 to 5 blowout today, and the Yanks have been winning too, so they're creeping back to the upstart 1st place Tampa Bay Rays, who usually place last in the division.
Remember this limerick?
An accident very uncanny
Occurred to my Great Uncle Danny.
He sat on a chair
But his false teeth were there,
And he bit himself right in the fanny.
Attitash was lots of fun and the weather was perfect. I managed to go down the water slides 15 times all told. That was the most fun. Erin & Amanda did the bungy jump. 1 of the 2 alpine slides was closed down, so there were long lines for that. The chair lift to the top was good, but it takes about 30 minutes to get there.
We're looking forward to your call sometime soon, and more news about how you're making out.
Love from Stateside,
Go Team Hoop! Can't wait to hear more when you return!
All the best,
Hi there Team Hoop,
I so love hearing your stories. Being a teacher myself, everything you say hits home for me. I know the supplies you've brought and especially the time you are spending with the teachers and the children is invaluable. Cherish these memories and these children in your hearts. Also make sure you have a little "down time" for yourselves. You are changing the world one person at a time. These people's lives will be forever changed. I'm sure they are so thankful for you! God bless you!
hello teams - I am not shouting because it's 11:54p where you are and you might be asleep - may God send His angels to watch over each of you and fill your hearts with an abundance of love, your bodies with an abundance of energy, and your souls with the knowledge of His love and His Will for where you are! Love you all, grammy
Courtney - did I mention that Papa took over the dance room? But he's already got most of it emptied - he's a good guy, and the room was feeling lonely! I have Noah because 3 kids are swimming in Pilot Mtn. I was doing dishes and asked him if he picked up his toys, he excited said "uh, huh!" and I said you did, really? He said uh huh - guess what? He did NOT. Oh well. Wait til you hear him say "yesh" - it's soo cute! Well, don't want to take up too much space - hope you all were so blessed upon waking Thursday morning knowing how many Youth groups, Bible studies, and prayer meetings are held on Wed. nights and how many people are praying for all of you! Sleep well - again I cannot stand under the same stars as you - it's cloudy and rainy (but no thunder for a change!) Love you bunches, C-ray. Hope we hear something from you all soon. Love and kisses and HUGS - grammy
Thank-you for what you shared of your experiences. It was neat to hear of how well things went. You all are being used by our God !
I hope that you are doing well physically.
Love, Carey
jackie.. guess what? im using the drum sticks you gave me on sunday! haha.
erica.. sytycd vote off is tonight! top ten! im nervous haha cant wait to watch it with you again :)
katie.. dont worry we are working on the fliers they will be sent soon. miss you all!
Sounds like things are going very well over there. I couldnt be prouder of my two girls in Africa. Every one has been asking how you guys are doing. The neighborhood is still in shock that we are moving August 1st. Laura is still prying that it falls through. Things are progressing well with the sale, though turbulent at times.
Joe and Terry are putting an offer on a house in N. Conway.
I am taking your advise and will take a day off and go down the Saco on Saturday.
Keep up the good work and "Sorry" but there will be no time to sleep when you get home either. Packing packing packing. Just kidding Case. You can have a couple extra minutes.
Love ya Doug.
I don't know how to post the songs. should I email them to Darin or you - can you access comcast email? Is there a way to post them on the blog? Sorry the ipod was stolen and sorry we missed your call. Anyone have a suggestion??
My sweet sweet Courtney.... It has been a small bit since we have heard of your "happenings" so I can only imagine the pace that you all are keeping over there!! I pray for you all daily that God is giving you supernatural energy and multiplying your rest each night no matter how many physical "hours" you get to sleep.....
The kids all did awesome tonight at swim team. All three are so strong. I keep picturing you there along side of them - you would fit right in and be just as amazing - I am certain!! Finals are next Tuesday and then we shall have a few days break!!
I talked with Grace yesterday and she is doing well.... Will fill you in later but one thing for sure is that recital is in MAY, so you don't have to worry about your job at the Vineyard - See, God already had it all worked out :) As he guides and directs everything good and "right" in our lives....
I was reading in Psalm 40 early this morning and it says "I desire to do your will, O my God"... and I pray for His will to be clear in all that is happening in Namibia and in all we carry out once you return home.....
I love you sweet girl. I am heading off to attempt some sleep again.... Brooke and Kaylie put Noah in their room last night so maybe I could get a full nights' sleep - but Shadow said "WOOF" VERY VERY LOUDLY and demanded to be let out at 3:15 a.m. - oh well -will try again tonight!!
Hope to hear from you soon. Love and Prayers
Bon and Pra- Hope you guys are doing well, one week left! Bon, is it bad that when I pick the book up, I don't want to put it down? I never thought it would come to this. I missed out on reading this evening as I got a spur of the moment call and ended up at the Dropkick concert with Vitt and Billy. Pretty crazy there. Well, continue on on your endless adventure. Talk to you guys soon.
COURTNEY! Guess I should have mentioned that Papa took over the dance room to get his fishing tackle ready for vacation end of July - NOT to be dancing LOL!!!!
Another day - we can only imagine what you all are doing. A post from Linda m says ipod was stolen? Does that mean you all have no dance music for your dance ministry? You can tell what an AWESOME work you are doing when the devil jumps in with something like that - be blessed and keep praying. God is bigger than anything we can imagine!! love you sweet girl. HUGHUGHUGHUG!!!!
Love and prayers TEAM NAMIBIA as our Friday begins and yours is in full swing. May you all receive an unexpected moment of the Holy Spirit infilling in your souls today - new strength, new ideas, new energy, new joy to carry you even deeper into the mission God has for you. In His Love, grammy duncan
Jesse and Richard,
I have had to kill my own spiders... the death toll just since I got home from work last night is 5. I'm not even going to try to count the grand total.
I love you, and am still praying for you constantly. I hope all is well. MWA!
COURTNEY: I know, it's me again but as I went to the Word this morning, I remembered your comment about deepening your prayer life and that is where I was in 1999 on mission in Jax. I prayed at midnight one night "I will gladly pray Lord, please show me how." and at 6:30A the next morning my Bible opened (or He did opened it) to Eccl 5:2 "Think before you speak and be careful about you say to God. God is in Heaven and you are on earth. So say only a few words to God." and THAT was my permission to pray from my heart, not necessarily out loud! My team leader laughed when I shared He said "Claudia opened her Bible and it said 'you have mail!'" LOL!! All to say, I pray you are journaling moments, people, prayer, events, feelings.... I have a note about the "intense roller coaster of emotions seems to be quieting" so I pray the teams are calm and working together! If satan steals sleep or an ipod or time, it just opens the door for God to do a mightier work in everyone! Please C-ray, open your Bible often - God speaks!! And He loves you even more than I (and if I loved you any more I would just bust apart!) grammy
Darin and Katie,
I miss and love you guys more than words can say. I know you must be getting tired, so I'll be praying for that second wind for you. It's not the same here without you! Please take care of yourselves.
It is so heartwarming to read about all the great things you are doing and experiencing in that part of the world! We are so proud of you for wanting to share your time and talents with others in a place you do not even know...I know God will continue to bless you and all of your team for the good work you are doing.Enjoy every minute! LOL Mom
Tootie, You must be having so much fun with all of those little ones there! I am so proud of you for being willing to share your time and talent with people so different and diverse. Enjoy every minute! We cannot wait to hear about everything! May God continue to bless all of you...LOL, Mom
I miss you so much and I really really really really want to see you soon and i hope that you will e-mail back really really fast cause i really really miss you and i want to talk to you but i cant, but i can talk to you on e-mail so i wish that you would answer. Love
Kaylie (mommy helped me with the second half - we are going to grandmas to go swimming -:)
and sweet girl I, mommy, say hello too and have a super blessed day!!
Hi Mandy,
Mom can only imagine what you all must be experiencing right now and my words could never do it justice. Know how much I love you and that I am praying for you all.
Remember to let Jesus carry you when you need Him to.
I love you without end, forever and a day.
Mommy in Mont Vernon
Dear Courtney,
We are having a ball with your Mom and siblings today; about to go to the pool.Katie, Lindsay, and Anne and Mick are going to join us.
We bought a new Corolla yesterday; can't wait for you to see it. We love you and miss you so much. Love, Grandma & Boompa
HOw wonderful to read about your purpose/findings and love given to all there. I still get excited about it all and wish I was a part too. Proud of you.
Am so proud to be of your family. Thanks for all you do.
Wow, you'll all be here in Fl very soon. We will let you sleep while here, I promise.
Case, a new resident of fl, soon to be! Wow!
Looks like you are a part of the teaching team also. Good for you, and hope God allows this to be all positive for the young people there. AM proud of yu
casey and send love to both you and your mom. G,G & S
Hey Dennise and Case,
Thinking of you two everyday and praying for safe travels. Oh my God, the little kids in the photos are so so adorable.
My parents and sis and her fam and I will be off to your lovely North Conway homestead this week.
Looking forward to hearing about your work.
Love you both,
P.S. I am praying with the Laura!
Tootie,my baby girl, here it is, Monday morning in the beautiful state of Maine... I keep thinking about you and the Hoop team...I listen to the CD you gave me before you left...I love it! I miss you very much and can't wait to see you in person! You are creating so many wonderful memories for yourself...I hope you will continue to do things like this throughout your lifetime...we are all one, and in the Spirit, we are the same. I am so very proud of all you have becocme...I love you very much...LOL, Mom
Maegan Tootie, The week is going by quickly, I am sure even more so for you than for us here at home! Dad is in Texas; it doesn't seem possible we will all be together in Colorado soon! We are so fortunate here, I know you have a much better understanding of that now...give all you can because it will come back to you a hundred fold... proud 2 B your mom...LOL
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