Greetings to all of our iNam friends and family! Thanks again for your faithfulness in prayer. I'm happy to report that all of our sickies are now at full strength again. Let's just say it's been flushed out of them and leave it at that. I'm also happy to report that my group within the team made our journey away from the others in Okahandja and settled into Arandis with much excitement and enthusiasm.
We are staying in our friend Nan Parker's home - a house that easily accommodates our group of 16 (our original 14 plus Toivo and Richard who have joined our team). Nan's home is very comfortable. Her dog Sammy... well, he's small. Exceptionally loud for his size. Taken fondly to the lower legs of several of my teammates (and we're here to talk about abstinence - the dog isn't listening!) and he peed on my guitar. Let's just say that the men are cooking Wednesday night, and I've assigned Richard the task of rigging a rotisserie. Sammy may presently be enjoying his last hours, pre pup-chops. "Sammy? Nope. Haven't seen him. Anyone seen Sammy?"
We enjoyed reconnecting with the Banda family upon our arrival Saturday night. Pastor Tresford and Fabiola have worked out a full week of ministry opportunities in which we can join them.
Sunday we worshipped with the congregation of Arandis Christian Center (Pastor Tresford's congregation). It was wonderful to see so many friends again. The service was a blessing to us all. In the evening we traveled to Swakopmund to take part in a youth service. Our dancers performed a couple of numbers, John and Tresford led a song, and Richard brought a marvelous message on the Prodigal Son. The service erupted at the end into a dance party - a huge conga line, a circle with many taking turns stepping into the middle to showcase a move or two. It was amazing to be a part of that. Reflecting on it later, it was thrilling for me to see so many of the youth from Arandis actively involved - young people that we are familiar with from prior trips.
Monday morning started very early with our annual return to Kolin Foundation Secondary School and our friend Dr. Erna Both. This is the dear lady who was so concerned the first time we visited there in 2005 that she literally held our power feed in her hand to unplug it if she needed to. Since then we've developed a relationship that includes much trust on both sides, leading in the 06 and 07 trips including our team members taking classrooms to dialogue with students. Today as we began Dr. Both introduced us saying, "God sends His messengers to us. Listen closely to these dear friends of Kolin from America. They are regulars here now." Those of you who have been here before know how blessed we are to hear her speak like that!
Dr. Both requested that our team send a few of the young people into the school the rest of the week for peer interaction with her 11th graders. She especially wants us to talk frankly with the students about sexual purity and hope for the future. She said to me, "These messages you bring are taking hold in many of the learners lives. We're making progress." So, we anticipate doing that beginning tomorrow.
We raced 100km from Kolin to a Primary School in Usakos. Pastor Tresford's congregation has been reaching out to this community and he was hopeful that our dancers and musicians could do an assembly to help build for the future there. We arrived to find an amazing school. We were sent into a first grade classroom that looked like one you'd see in America. The teachers we met seemed very capable and warm. The next thing we knew, more than 400 students were marched in - between 1st and 7th grade. There was not a free square foot of floor space for dances. So, the team modified their plans. We put on the Wiggles and led the kids in (gentle and space appropriate) movements. They loved it. Amanda was called upon to share a message with the children. She spoke about God's unchanging love for us. At the end she asked if she could pray for the kids and there was a rousing "YES!" reply from the whole room. As she began, "Let's pray", you could have heard a pin drip in that room.
Our Monday began to wind down with the first of the week's dance classes. The first group of younger children numbered 40. The second group of older children numbered 20. Those numbers will increase tomorrow, as we've learned. The first day went very well. The children loved the classes and didn't want them to end.
That brings you up to date. Parting thoughts from my heart to yours... emotions. These trips are very emotional for all participants. Many on our side of the team are having those emotional experiences this week. Please pray for us all as we comfort and encourage one another. These are the things we prepared ourselves for in advance. More soon...
Monday, July 7, 2008
Darin's Diary pt. 3
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1:37 PM
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I hope you have a great day when you teach the school
hope you have a great day and we're having lots of fun, although we miss you, and we're going to make some videos and hope you have fun
Darin - and all....maybe a paraphrase (pronouns) of Ps. 119:169-176 would help as prayer right now - I received it this morning, but internet was out, so here I am now and I hope God speaks:
"May our cries come before You, O Lord; Give us understanding accordng to Your Word. May our supplication come before You; deliver us according to Your promise. May our lips overflow with praise, for You teach us Your decrees. May our tongues sing of Your word, for all Your commands are righteous. May Your hand be ready to help us, for we have chosen your precepts. We long for Your salvation, O Lord, and Your law is our delight. Let us live that we may praise you, and may Your laws sustain us. We have strayed like lost sheep.
Seek Your servants, for we have not forgotten your commands."
In His Love, grammy duncan
Mommy's in africa, my mommy's in africa, brrr brrr brrr boom
can't wait to hear the stories, hope all's going well for everyone, I'm looking for my second wind, starting to slow down :-)
After reading the stories I wish I could be there... What an awesome experience for you. I am so proud of you!!! I can't wait to see you and hear all about your trip from your prospective.
LOve Ya,
Dear Darin, Thank you so much for the post. I know about those little dogs, in fact one of ours has been missing since you came to Amanda's birthday party... things that make you go hmmmmm.
To My Darling Amanda,
I miss you soooo much honey. I look into your room and my heart aches, no silly, not because its messy but because I miss you. God has placed such trust in you, and again you are living out His will for your life, let His majesty cover you and the whole CCNH team as you love each person you meet.
Seek the Lord and His strenghth; Seek His face continually, psalm 105:4.
I thought maybe this weekend I would take a quick trip over to Africa to give you a hug and then come back home, maybe the plane will just wait for me like a taxi as I as I run off to give you my hug and tell you how much I love you, just a thought. :O)
I am so proud and inspired by you honey, you are my precious gift from God, my princess always and forever, without end.
Mommy in Mont Vernon
Hey Darin! You should feel right at home with the dog peeing on your guitar! What did happen to those dogs we used to have? Hmm
Katie, I loved the clip and pictures of you dancing, and I'm loving your videos you are making. You have wonderful talents sweet girl!
Courtney, your video made me cry! I'm so proud of you!
John, I'm so glad you got to go with them this time. I hear everyone is enjoying you and your music. I'm glad you'll have a couple more days with us before you go home.
Becky, Lisa and I went to see Madison yesterday. She's quite a trouper. Keep her in your prayers, OK?
Take care of yourselves. Glad everyone is feeling better. Love you bunches.
Miss Jan,
What have you been doing? Have you seen (no pun intended) the people who are vuisually impared yet? Oh i can't wait to hear about it all!Have you been using the tap recorder? Oooohh i am DYING to hear about it ALL! Gretta's lying under chealsey's chair and chealse is on the couch. I moved things around last night to anxious for sleep.Had a midnight salad to help (it worked too!) Grampy's not doing good and they are deciding to turn off his breathing thing or not (which will kill him). It's hard but i have dad who grieves like me-keeping busy. Tim's alittle different he's cried and so have i but God has put peace over our house hold. Mom is doing good on the phone she said she was wearing a matching green polyester suit that my gram bought for 10 cnts! They gotto laughing when she started modleing it! I think they are going to turn it off though *sigh*. Gram is as tough as an ox so she'll be ok and the cousin's are doing ok considering. Jen wants to know how you ate the worm. and i want to know WHYYYY??!!
Love you lots!- Amanda
p.S. I for got to tell you-
thank the Lord we didn't go to namibia this year! I don't know what would've happend to mom if her dad died while she was half way around the country I MEAN WORLD I SOOO JUST SAID WORLD!! I MEAN WHY WOULD I SAY COUNTRY??!! spontanious combustion over
-love you lots still- Amanda
Oh what a blessing to receive these updates - thank you Darin!! Courtney and Katie I am so proud of both of you. I was thinking about you little "Think Pink" girls and how far you have come since then!! Dancers.... "professional" videographers (you go Katie!!!).... and sold out women of God.... I am praying security on your hearts - that God will just infuse you with even greater and further passion for Him, for His work, for the lost lambs of every continent... and that you will find every blessing he lays at your feet, daily, and let nothing pass you by - making the most of every day and every opportunity that comes before you.....
Court - Brooke is going to do swim team for the next two weeks (all that is left :) she went to practice this morning and they said they could use her.... Blake went for his tutoring today (he tried making that out to be "my fault" - i nixed that in the bud and reminded him HE failed the test!! still praying for his heart to be changed and his mind to be open - focusing on what God might have for him and looking beyond the next 12 months.... Noah, well..... I put him down for a nap.... went upstairs about a half hour later and while walking toward my bed stepped in a HUGE puddle... I turned around to yell at the dog(s) but then realized Shadow was outside and Bailey was tied to the door downstairs - OOPS!! peeked under the blanket and sure enough, buck nekid!!! Needless to say, I am once again ever so thankful for hardwood floors and can't wait til you come home (for a whole 24 hours right? laughing here...) to help me finish them up!!!! Kaylie misses you bunches - Noah is looking all over for his Co-Co.... Me, I just pray you are experiencing miraculous growth and transformation - that you are remaining open to God and all he holds for you..... that you feel his spirit and his presence to give you the hugs we are sending across the world. Love you sweet girl!! And Love and Prayers to all of you - Praise the Lord for his faithful servants!! Wishing I were there....
Oh my goodness - TEAM VERTROUE!!! Shouting admist my tears as I have just looked at your slide show - it was wonderful! That final picture of, was it Jan in straw hat?, was a perfect final shot. The rest of the land, and bridges, and crazy teammates was too perfect! I pray God's blessings of peace, direction, laughter, Joy, and Love as you partner with Dieter and Joan Morsbach and the children. Ginger, my heart goes out to your hurting heart missing those left at home - but God has a big big plan for you and I am so proud of you making this journey for His Glory! May the joys and love you experience each day far outweigh that hurting heart - God will make room for it all, don't miss a moment of what He has for you and Grant!!
I decided to pray this afternoon that Zebras and giraffes will make their appearance to each team - especially those first timers! God bless everyone and thank you Team Vertroue for such excellent pics of Namibia!! In His Love, Grammy Duncan
Hi Jan,
It's Melissa, WORMS, oh my, you know you can't get that at Uno's when we have our girls night out, or bugs, yuck! We are going to have draw the line somewhere. You look wonderful in all your pictures, I can see a radiance in your face as Christ works in you. I love and miss you, and I really don't want to hear the worm story,
save that one for Carey.
Melissa aka Mommy in Mont Vernon
Hey Erica M!
Heard you've been taking great care of the sickies! Thanks for nursing them back to health! A mom is always a mom, right? You rock!
Yoo hoo...Shaw family know who this is? It's Darin' mom, Katie and John's grandmom and Erica's grandmom-in-law! I'm enjoying reading every message coming my way. Diann hooked me up. So how's that for news? Love you all and will keep you all in my prayers...Mom, Gram xo xo xo xo
"Think Pink" girls (as Christina just reminded me oh my gosh!):
Did you ever think when you were doing your first ever little jazz dance together that you would be doing an amazing thing like this together someday? Great, now I'm crying again!
Cherish and remember every moment of this experience. I'm so proud of you and love you both very much.
Hi Erica,
I am so happy that you made it to Africa, how cool is that! If you and Amanda could give each other a hug and know it is from me to the both of you. I know you must be missing your children, because I am missing mine, Amanda and SJ, I will keep you in my prayers. Big hugs and lots of love will be waiting for you when you get home, and seeing the smiling faces of the family that missed you. Looking forward to hearing your stories of this gift that Jesus bestowed on you.
Melissa, aka Mommy in Mont Vernon
I was facebook creeping you and I saw this website so I came here and decided to leave you a message!! I hope Africa is amazing take tons of pics (esp. if you see elephants i LOVE them :o) ) It's Summer Bash this weekend and I am sad you can't be here =(((( but hopefully you will be back in the US soon and back in troyyyyy =DDD I am very jealous that you are in Africa and I am at work, in troy. But oh well =) Miss you tonssss xoxo
COURTNEY - yeah, mom just wants you home so she can hit you in the head with hammer again! LOL
Love you sweet thing...God loves you more! Grammy
This one made me tear up for some reason.
Okay, so it's been a couple of days since I posted. Monday came around and work priorities took over, but then that's the fun side..ginger & Grant, I waited on someone recently who works at Beford Farms, who is moving to NC. I was talking about my daughter Stephanie being in Africa and she jumped in her seat and said my neigbors are there too! She says hello and hopefully will send a post, but in the midst of packing may not be able to. Pastor Darin & Germaine, a friend from church, who used to teach at Souhegan says he has met you (he said he met you at some tennis matches i think)and has students that have travelled in the past to Africa, David Lelesi. He was excited that Stephanie was traveling with your group. I sincerey hope that you all were not taking advantage of Jan with that bug.
Stephanie M. I thought I saw a glimmer in your eye that said, "look mom I am holding this big spider don't you want to see it?!" I hate spiders. Christina & naomi came over tonight and took off with Kevin. Are we starting this whole Amherst issue over again? Just kidding.
The pictures were fantastic I cannot wait to see what happens through out the trip.
the videos are wonderful. It was a pleasure to watch the dancing and the interaction with the students in the schools.
Love you all. praise god in all you do.
Thank-you for all of the journalism you have been doing.
Sounds like a lot is taking place . . . of good things.
Hi Jan,
Did you have a 'run-in' with Sammy ? I hope you 'disarmed' him with you love of dogs.
Did you end up participating in the congo line at the end of the service ?
Darin spoke of emotions being dealt with among the team . . . I
keep you in mind about that. I hope that see God with you through all that you are experiencing . . . that He IS your comfort.
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