MOLLY------ I miss you a lot and watch our video before bed often. I hope the drama bomb isn’t too much when we return. I’ve gotten you some African Spar presents I know you’ll enjoy. Etosha is next and then home. I can’t wait to see you again. MOM AND DAD thanks a lot for going to the lake house the entire time I was gone haha I love you and miss you. Oh and molly blacks and iced grande Starbucks must be there when I return, oh and we’re going to the pond. DUH. –matt
Mamma, Derky, Ryan & all of Bell Mountain—I miss you all so much. It sounds like you have had a pretty amazing time up at the mountain. I send my prayers for kate and please tell everyone I miss them and cant wait for a VT weekend. Tell Uncle Ricky I love him and best of luck in the rest of his time in Fort Hood. Tell my Ry-Ry I miss him and cant wait to hug him. 10 bucks he is still tanner than me. Haha. Well I am off to Etosha today (that’s where all the animals are) and then I will be returning home. Hey mom can you tell all my friends, if you see or talk to them that I miss them and cant wait to see them. Oh, and hey mom I would give my left leg to talk to you and call you mamma. BY THE WAY I called you from here to say hi and you kept picking up and hanging up…the service here is yucky. Well I love you. see you in a few days. –Melissa
From Nate: Elizabeth! Hello my dear, hope you are feeling well and not missing me too much; I know I am missing you terribly. Have you received any postcards yet?? We are off to Etosha and the half-way point for me. It feels like it’s been a month since I left… the time will go by quickly though. I am feeling great physically, and pretty good otherwise. We had a great dinner the other night- it was really extravagant and meaty yummy good… I felt spoiled and tried not to eat too quickly!!! Hope you had fun at Tom-Kats grill over there in Amhersty-way. I love you… CWTKU!!!
Mom and Dad, Hello! I DO miss you guys… Casey, be good! Wilson clan, Much love to all of you, it cheered me immensely to hear from you the other night around the fire! Take care of Elizabeth for me; don’t lose her down a portal!!! Everyone else, sorry for abandoning my blog… internet access is hard to come by right now; know you all understand. Much LOVE! -Nathan
Dad, if you haven’t taken my car for a test drive yet you should. The car goes straight but the steering wheel goes right. Sorry I didn’t tell you before I left. Mom, if City Year has not replied go on my Mac. I have their phone # on a stickie note (you can ask Christina for computer assistance). Not much to say. I love you guys and Africa but ginger beer can not take the place of ginger ale and I can not go on a walk without being covered in prick-ers. We should go to Denny’s right when I get to the church on Friday because you guys have a love for breakfast foods and that is the only place open late at night.
I love you to the moon and back, Love Stephanie
Hey dad,g,b, and m im having so much fun sometime the family should do this trip. We climbed a mountain it didn’t have a name but it was so awesome we saw a bunch of baboons and mom got some pictures it was awesome. We also when to Joe’s beer house and eat ostrige, crocodile, kudu, orix and zebra. Cam can wait to see you we have to go dirt biking or some thing when I get back. Cant wait till deer foot.
See you soon Grant ps.“theres no ketchup.”
Hi everyone,
I am doing well but ready to come home. I have tried 5 kinds of meat and yes, I ate the worm on purpose. Jen, I am praying for you and your family and it is breaking my heart not being able to be there for you. I have been praying for everyone. I love you Carey and cannot wait to see you. Thanks for the posts. Off to Etosha. Love Jan
Greeetings to all my family and friends,
My profound thanks for all the support (financial, prayer, encouragement, childcare) you have given and will continue to give until we return. Our departure from Okhandja, today, is bittersweet. I had a great week of working w/the soup kitchen folks and getting to now our Northern neighbors (Canadians) who were sharing the plot. As I write this, my eyes are welling a bit with equal tears of joy for having been here and sadness at how quickly the time passed. George: love you so much and miss you terribly - start clearing your calendar and making your packing list – summer 2009 will come quickly! Grace, Burdick and Margaret: can’t wait to get my arms around you and give you all a big squeeze. Pam: there are no words adequate enough for a friendship such as ours – I love you, dear. Other friends and family: can’t wait to get home and share stories and pics of this great adventure – including our hike through snake country (Black Mamba – that is). My love and God’s blessings for you all… Ginger
Thanks for the posts my love, now you’ve got me curious about these surprises. I love you and can’t wait to see you. Anyways, things have been going well here, the team has done whatever was asked of them and I’m very thankful for that. I got a chance to do some hard labor in the sun digging on Friday and I was so psyched to be able to be a part of that work on a garden that will provide for the soup kitchen ministry (they do an amazing job over there). Even though there were times where the days were long, it still seems like time has flown by and I cling to the hope that I will be able to continue making these trips for the rest of my life. And now…We’re going on a lion hunt! Pray I don’t get eaten when we take our picture around the “Do not get out of your vehicles sign.” Be blessed
Monday, July 14, 2008
Shout Outs From Okahandja Take II
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5:32 AM
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Jesse, Don't even think about getting eaten! ;)
where has the time gone? already off to Etosha? It will be great for all the teams to reunite after your separate journeys and share all of your thoughts and experiences. I cannot help but picture Jurasic Park, as you crawl through Etosha in your combies. HA HA! STAY IN THE CAR! :)
I got your calls over the weekend, and it bugged me all weekend, who would have called and hung up like that, so many times. Thank you for trying honey! Sounds like each team has alot to share and you will have some interesting campfires over the next couple of days before you leave. I'm glad you have been getting our comments, and that you are all taking such good care of each other. I wrote to Kara and Angela and let them know that you were missing them and to call me. (I miss them too)
Corey's flowers died while we were on vacation....Karma? LOL
I love you, be careful in Etosha, take a ton of photos!
Love you, MEAN IT!
Last leg of the journey Melliss! I hope you took loads of pictures... cuz you're so good at it! Whoever has been in charge of taking pictures of your trip has done a great job, thank you! The ones of you and the kids make me happy.
Seems like you're going to see some pretty neat animals. I agree with your mom, STAY IN THE CAR! :) My animals here are just chasing each other around the house and shedding a ton!
I'm so glad you're having a good time, I'll start stashing away for your next trip!
I love you.... Kiki
matt, it was good to hear from you! dont worry, there really isnt a drama bomb, but there are a few quality videos that you have to watch & a lot of pictures to see. though im pretty sure i'll be looking at your pictures for much longer than you'll be looking at mine, haha. incase you have a burning desire to know, i did make it down to boston for the iPhone release, though never made it in the store. I'll explain why when you get home, because I get mad everytime I tell the story. I'm getting a little mad over it now. But anyway, have fun in Etosha! I'll be using my flight tracker widget when you guys start heading home.
Steph - there have been some updates in the journal. I think you understand what I'm talking about. But not to worry, I've been holding down the fort and all is well.
words of wisdom for etosha: wherever you sleep, put your shoes outside and ready to be thrown on to run away from lions on the middle of the night.
I had a great time in new york,I hope I can com next year, I love you and I miss you
love, grace
We enjoy looking at the pictures of you and Grant. God has blessed the people you and Grant have touched.
We had a great time with the gang at Greenfield. Nick was as cute as ever. Emma and Joey really enjoyed riding bikes, lots of tales for later. M and Burdy enjoyed there time as well. No Koby next time!
M has only really missed you once when I made her clean her room. I was mean Dad and Mommy was nice.
Tomorrow the kids are going with Pam to the coast, I'll spend a couple of nights out there.
Enjoy the Etosha trip. We all miss you and are anticipating your return. Thanks for the Shout out.
Love George
Stephanie M. It seems like yesterday you all left! Enjoy debrief at Etosha and take lots of pictures for us. I was sad that we weren't able to talk this past weekend, but for sure we will go to Denny's when you return. I want to hear about everything you learned or did while you were gone. Gitsy & Martie have become friends. You may not be able to take her in the fall. Love Mum
Nathan, Oh Sweetie I miss you too! Feels like a month has gone by here too. No postcards yet, but I'm anxious to see them! Hope there's much to see in Etosha. Try not to tease the elephants too much...maybe just a little. I'm very jealous and wishing I were there with you. I'm doing fine, avoiding the portals. Hoping to see some new pix. I love you and CWTKUE! Germaine I hope you are feeling much better. ~Elizabeth
Hi Baby Boy, ( That's Matt)
Good news, no Starbucks will be closing in new England!!!! Loved all the Pictures of you with the kids. Kind of like home with the triplets!!!Looks like you're having a wonderful time. Bring back Fanta, they don't sell it here. Don't bring home any animals...Got a message from you I think... couldn't quite make it out.Tell Steph I found her a cute notebook with a cat that looks like Gitsy. Denny's when you get back???? Don't forget the jewelry...Can't wait to see all your pictures. You have certainly touched many lives there. Can't wait to see you. Love Mom and dad
Hey Nathan!
Lizzard breath is just kidding ~ she entered the M and L MAIN portal Saturday afternoon and had to endure the Wheaten Greetin'!! We had a very introspective and entertaining afternoon with our stories! And, yummy food! Saw the herons at the bridge and I swear they were like teradactyls!!! HUGE!!
I didn't get to tell LIzzie yet, but Harps and Gela have 5 or 6 day old chicks and they are 'domesticating' them a bit and are holding them everyday a few times! Some are screamers!!!! To stay totally organic, Dana and Eleanor want the chicks to do the parasite removal in the fields where the sheep graze. Too many sheep have been lost in the last couple of years . . .I've just got to get Lizzie out there this weekend!!! (Are you reading this, E~beth??)
Natey, we know you are tired and your journey will last two more weeks and we all want you to keep up your strength and health! Keep in mind that there is a day of rest incorporated Lovingly in each week! Please stay well and see if Germaine, when she is totally well again, can send us some of your news again! We've all been so anxiously awaiting word from you, though not trying to be selfish, as we KNOW your Boss and His work ethic!!
As before, serve Him well!!! We love you Be~datey!! Kate oxoboxo
how are you, i bet it is awsome there. sounds like fun. next year we are so going together. this friday when you get back if it is ok with your mom, you can come to rye that night after we hang at your house and then saturday we will go to old orchard beach in maine and go to the theme park. sunday maybe we can go to water counrty on how the weekend turns out. it will be fun. cant wait to see you.
PS: that stinks theres no ketchup lol PEACE OUT
Hi Jan,
It was good to hear from you again.
I'm glad to hear that you are doing okay. Sounds like you have had your fill of the trip and that you have made it through as well !
I miss you too.
I am looking forward to seeing and holding you again.
Enjoy the sounds, smells, and touch
of Etosha!
I am glad that you are able to read my postings. I am trying to respond to every Blog entry with one for you.
With love,
I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better.
Thank-you for working with everyone to get postings out of Namibia.
I appreciate your work.
Hey Nate~Great to know you're doing well and, keeping busy. It looks like you are getting a lot of good work accomplished. Say hi to E-beth and, Katie from your fan club..:)
Take care of yourself for the next two weeks. Any idea where you'll be after the main group leaves? Your Mom's plane has already departed this am and, should be arriving in NH around 2'ish.Love & misss ya~
Dad & Casey.
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